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  1. I'm afraid of appearing in front of the camera. If a customer ever requests a face-to-face talk, how should I handle the situation?
  2. Yo, so I've been diving into the Fiverr forums, and I saw this post about seller levels. It's cool to see how they break it down, but honestly, badges don't always tell the whole story. I'm Muzzamil, a WordPress whiz, and while those levels are a starting point, you gotta look deeper. Check out their portfolio, read what clients say, and see if their vibe matches your project. Don't just go for the shiny badge! If you're looking for a WordPress guru, hit me up on Fiverr (Profile Link). Let's chat about your website!
  3. Hi, My name is Muzzamil Ahmed Khan. I am a WordPress developer, designer. I am worried about my gig. Approx. 6-7 month ago, I joined Fiverr. But, I recevied best gig ranking, with no clicks and ORDER. Please help me to getting my first order. I do everything, optimizing the title, tags, descriptions, keywords and a good thumbnail. But nothing. I approx. 15 to 17 hours online on Fiverr. But nothing
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