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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. The client cancelled the Fiverr order without notifying me, even though I had completed half of the work. Now I can't contact the client as Fiverr has sent this message: "grayleo974 can no longer be contacted. This will not affect your response rate." I'm unsure of the next steps, and I'm concerned that both my time and effort have been wasted. Who will cover the costs now? Fiverr should take action in situations like this or develop a new strategy to ensure freelancers' time and effort aren't wasted.
  2. Hi, Anyone help me out a friend of mine recently created a new Fiverr account, But again and again, this show is happening even after verification.
  3. A friend of mine recently created a new Fiverr account, But again and again, this show is happening even after verification.
  4. Hi Fiverr, I have completed all the metrics on Fiverr for Level 2, but I haven't received the Level 2 badge yet. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks Navjot
  5. Scam alert! Fiverr, please take note and prevent these scams. Hi Fiverr, Today, I received a message on Fiverr asking me to scan a barcode. This is a scam, so please avoid it. I also request that Fiverr take strict steps to prevent such scammers.
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