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Everything posted by aich1996

  1. Hello, to the Fiverr community. I'm a Graphic designer and Illustrator artist from India. I created my Fiverr account in 2023 but started offering gigs a few months back. Today, I'm excited to share that I have successfully completed my first order. I'm looking forward to gaining knowledge from the experienced members here and growing my freelancing career with your valuable advice and support.
  2. Ignore this message. It's not effect your response rate.
  3. Explain your problem in details to Fiverr support team. A member of the team will respond. This will take some time, please wait.
  4. "Buyers request" option has been removed. It's replaced with the "get briefs" option.
  5. You need to have patience. Someone from the Fiverr support team will get in touch within 7 days.
  6. You don't need to create a new account. Contact with Fiverr support team...they will help you. You just need to have patience.
  7. Welcome in Fiverr community. Best of luck for starting in new journey. I think as a new freelance you should not chat via other platforms. It's should affect your Fiverr account.
  8. Last 8 days ago I have same problem. I informed the Fiverr support team. Firstly the team sent me an automatic reply. Again I informed all my problems in details. After few days the team contact with me and they solved my problem. My account is activate now. You just need to patience and follow up the support team.
  9. Already I have replied but still now I haven't received any response.
  10. I have same problem. Last 6 days ago when I want to published my new Gigs then Fiverr asked me for ID Verification. I have completed the process with very difficulty. After that I got the notification that my account is temporarily disabled. When I sent SMS to Fiverr support team, the reply was same.
  11. This is scam. Because Fiverr ID Verification process does not provide any scanner.
  12. After many attempt my ID Verification was failed then my account was restricted last 3 days. I send sms fiverr support team but the team still now help me properly.
  13. My account also restricted for ID Verification failed. I send sms Fiverr support team but the team response was similar. "Thank for reaching out regarding the status of your account. Your account is restricted as you have failed the verification process. After careful review,we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide another attempt at the verification process. Please be advised that the decision is final." After that I asked many questions but the team not reply yet.
  14. Fiverr support team told me that they are unable to provide another attempt at the verification process and the decision is final. After that I send sms but the team not reply me yet.
  15. Hi, My account was restricted last two days. After attempt many times my ID Verification was failed. I am permanent citizen and voter of my country. I have Government voter ID card, Passport. Already I send sms fiverr help centre. But still now I didn't get any positive result. My gigs not showing and all activities was stopped. What's should I do now?
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