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  1. Deleting a low-performing gig won't harm your profile, but it may impact your gig count and search visibility
  2. The higher the selling price the higher average. so, a low selling price can decrease your average selling price.
  3. For what purpose he is asking for? if there is any solid reason behind this then you can mention it in your conversation with the client when you are given an email address. so, probably fiverr will not restrict your account.
  4. Can the first 160 characters of your gig description on Fiverr act as the meta description? Chat GPT Says, Yes. what would you say?
  5. Do profile FAQs and Gigs FAQs have same importance?
  6. My name is Shah Nasar i have been there for 4 years on Fiverr to provide SEO services as I am new here in the Fiverr community.
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