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Everything posted by fixxapp

  1. dude I have been working as a freelancer for agencies in london for 15 years, fiverr is my side hustle 🙂 so maybe you don't. know what a freelancer is, I don't think fiverr hired me, I just think the new level system is BS....
  2. so I make like 2500$ per month and a bad review months ago takes me to level 0? how is it fair? we not hired by fiverr but we pay a fee to them...btw since this new level system was put on I went to level 2 seller to 0...
  3. Honestly I'm still on fiverr because I still get order thanks to my more than 260 5 stars reviews, but the new level system is just BS...in attachment you can see the performances of my most successful gig, I have a conversion rate of almost the 49%!!! Basically all the customers leave a tip and a 5 stars review and they recommend me to their friends...so how is it possible that I have bad private reviews? This thing has to change or I will migrate to Upwork or other websites...this is insulting to all the people who had worked hard for years...
  4. ok I'm ok about being judged using the private rating, but it's crazy that a freelancing platform is not transparent with the freelancers...also I'm level 0 with more than 260 5 stars review and a lot of tips, so I don't understand how my private ratings can be so negative...
  5. I partially agree with you, but as a UX designer I think it's crazy they changed the level system but part of their users (the sellers) have no clue about the login behind the score...I have a conversion rate of 16%, I have 250 5 stars reviews and I was a level 2 seller, my gig is the third best selling in my category and now I'm level 0??? how is this new level system supposed to work?
  6. yes I checked now again, it's a bug they are dong a mess 😄 btw I'm level 0 but I the third best selling gig to build an airbnb booking website LOL
  7. The strange thing is that if I go to my seller dashboard I'm level 0, but in my public gigs page i'm level 2 LOL 😄
  8. Can you link your real account with 10 as success score? 🙂
  9. which point? so according to you I have 250 5 stars review, I have an high conversation rate a lot of tips etc...and now I'm level 0?
  10. Not everyone had the same experiences of yours, I worked my *ss off for fiverr, obvs it's not my only source of income but I have 250 5 stars review a conversation rate higher than 95% of my competitors and I'm level 0...do you understand this is crazy? And btw I would flex too much about being a pro, there are tons of pro sellers who lied on their experience 🙂
  11. I just checked my stats, I have the 16,5% of conversion rate, better than the 95% of my subcategory and I'm still level 0...it seems like a joke 😄
  12. this! as a UX/UI designer for me it's crazy they are not transparent about the metrics, they just give general advices but we don't have a clue about how to improve...probably because not even the customer service is aware about how the new levelling system works...
  13. this is the reply from fiverr customer service after I complained about the new levelling system so according to them among 250 5 stars reviews, most people gave different scores in private reviews...so or most people are bipolar or the old level system was a joke...
  14. being a UX designer, the crazy thing for me, is they are valuing the success score a lot but we don't have any specific information about what we did wrong to be at level 0, they provide just generic advices...
  15. this platform is becoming a s*hithole, for them a performance like this is a level 0, it means the previous level was just useless. It seems all crazy honestly, I'm improving my gigs on upwork already...
  16. I don't agree, it's their platform but it became successful thanks to our hard work...
  17. I complained with the customer care and they replied "Hi Valerio, Boris here. Thank you for your response. I will use this opportunity to congratulate you on the success that you have made on Fiverr so far! I do not doubt that you will continue having satisfied buyers and great ratings! Rest assured that the new metric system is still being optimized and that it is made to improve your performance and views. Also, the same system applies to all sellers. Let me know the direction you'd like to take this and I'll provide further assistance. Looking forward to your response, " at this point I think they are using AI to write replies 🙂
  18. this new level system just doesn't make any sense, I have about 250 5 stars review, a conversation rate of 12% and I made more than 55k on fiverr...yet my success score is 4, what's success according to the fiverr team?
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