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Posts posted by collinsconsult

  1. Many think freelancing is just a side hustle. It's far from that. It's more of a business with various departments. The moment I starting treating my freelance hustle as a whole business, everything changed positively. 

    My friends, family and neighbours already have this traditional mindset that you must leave the house every morning and return in the evening as with the traditional job. So when they see me working from home at times, they begin to wonder what I actually do. LoL 😅

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  2. - Always respect the Terms of Service and Community Standards. It's so underrated but if you want stay on this journey for long, this is the most important rule. 

    - Do everything possible within your power to offer the best quality services and always go beyond expectations. Under promise and over deliver. 

    - Patience and consistency. It's like wine. The older your gig, the more earnings you make. So ensure you do everything possible to stay here for long. 

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  3. 22 hours ago, cai2024 said:

    Seller misinformation on location, language and skills is getting way out of control and I'm about to close my account over it.

    1. False Location -  I have yet to contact a seller that is listed as being US based that is actually in the US.  They have all been in other countries and pretending to be US based.  This is not acceptable. 

    2. Online Now misinformation - employing a bot that shows you online and sends automated message is NOT the same as being online.  I have yet to contact a seller that shows online that is actually online.  If you show online and I receive an automated message I will not use your services. period.

    2.  Language fluency - Google translate does NOT qualify you as being fluent.  If you say you are fluent in English or any other language then I need to be able to have a conversation with you directly in my language.  Its very suspicious when I see sellers that show fluency in their native language plus, Hebrew, english, German, etc...

    3.  Upselling - If you show a particular price for a package, don't ask me what my budget is.  My budget is what you advertise.  

    3. Sometimes clients' requirements don't fit any of the 3 gig packages. So negotiation must be done. 

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  4. -Discipline + Hard Work + Patience = Success 

    -If you can conceive and believe it, you can achieve it.

    -Stick to what works best for you. 

    -Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn't … pays it.” Albert Einstein.

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  5. 9 hours ago, melanielm said:

    People sending you spam will not affect your conversion or response rates, as long as you respond to them. I have a quick response that just says "This is Spam and is against TOS." that I click before I report them. Unfortunately, you'll get a lot of spam messages here.

    So 10 people contacting you without you converting even 1 into an order doesn't affect your conversion rate? I strongly doubt that!

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  6. For the past 2 weeks, I keep getting messages from Pakistanis and Bangladeshis either requesting for work or asking for mentorship. I try my best to keep cool and reply calmly. But what is this? I'm not even on page one. This is greatly affecting my Success Score and Response Rate.

    I don't know if someone has been experiencing this lately but it's extremely annoying... 😣😖😣

    @Kesha Something should be done about this!!!

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