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  1. Just now my account got notification that I cannot promote the gigs. Althought I can operate just as normal, but how to be seen by the buyer with all the competitiveness now? I want to make new account, but can I? It is said that new account know must take photo with their ID, how can I make new account when my persona is all over here? Won't the new account be suspected too? This is way frustrating, just killing my business and livelihood.
  2. same, I asked the customer support and the reply is the same like the other 'victims' above; location inconsistency. yes, I got once a login warning but I realize it late and perhaps it's some hacker. but Fiverr didn't take that as consideration. submit another ticket to ask for clearer explanation but just got ignored and they mark my complaint completed. just no solution for this. I felt disadvantaged.
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