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Everything posted by momaidi

  1. Below are some suggestions for you: 1. Use most popular keywords used by buyers. 2. Use good images with clear writing on it. 3. Have a short a meaningful description. Lastly, I would mention that impressions are nothing without orders, I have 5k impressions but still I receive rare messages from buyers, if you are receiving orders so, don't think about impressions, it will raise soon.
  2. I suggest you use a simple design and clear writing on your gig image, it will help seller understand your service easily. About score, that looks somehow impossible to be honest, scoring 10 out of 10 is really difficult to get.
  3. Hello, I can share you my own experience regarding using non-English language, recently a client messaged me for a Gig from Germany, he couldn't speak English and I couldn't speak German language, he started speaking our local language which is Dari, just 2 days ago my Gig which was on second place in first page of the search after a Fiverr choice seller went to 6th page with 4 success score from 7. I see negative impact of communication with my Gig so, I recommend everyone to speak English as it really affects. Thanks
  4. Dear all, I am Level 1 seller with 44 orders completed and all 5 stars. My success score is 6 since the new update, I am eligible to reach Level 2 but only success score is 7 required. I have good communication with clients, have no order cancellation but today I see my Gig success score is 4. What is the reason of this? I was thinking it may increase as there is nothing negative, I see communication and conflict free orders as negative impact under Gig. I really lost my way, what should I do? Totally lost, I read all tips, all details about success score but nothing is working, for me it never increases.
  5. Hello everyone, Since 2 hours, I have lost push notifcations in my iPhone for Fiverr, I see no notification option available in Notification setting available for Fiverr, I see all other APPs installed in device but lost Fiverr, I have tried to re-install it but didn't solve. I went through Preferences -> Notifications -> Here I see Turn on Push notification (I got this after re-installing), before it was on but was receiving no notification. Do you experience this issue today? if not have you ever faced it in iPhone specifically? I need some ideas to overcome this issue as it is highly important. Thanks
  6. Dear Arif, I had the same issue when I was new to Fiverr. Here is the simple solution if you don't get impression. Check all your Gigs, check the keywords used there and category which should be the most used one not something Uknown to others. The most effective way to get impressions is to be online all the time, I know it sounds weird but there is no way when you are new or have done few projects. You shouldn't miss any project and for that your on-time response is a must. When you have above points in mind, I believe you will have good impressions, but still it is normal to have changes in impressions as there are different Algorisms used by Fiverr, that's why places are changing for freelancers. BR
  7. Dear Ethaneseo, It is happening sometimes; you may have to try different browsers or clear the cache. To be on the top of search, try to use most popular keywords for your service in your Gigs and be online 24h. If you don't see yourself under online category, it doesn't mean no one can see you, buyers won't have this issue. Just have patience and your time will come soon to get orders. Mohammad
  8. Hello Everyone, Will you please recommend any tips for increasing the success score of my Gigs. I have translation services and I try to have long conversation with my client each time during the project but still for all my Gigs I see 5 Success score and Room for Growth in Effective Communication. What is the solution for this? Should I chat in order chat page or the Inbox is Okay? Struggling with this issue since long, I see difference in Delivery time but no + point in Effective communication. Thanks
  9. I got 4 orders by my gig, few days ago, a buyer mistakenly placed 2 orders, then I contacted CS team to cancel these orders without impacting my order completion and success score, they cancelled and said it is okay it won't affect your counters. Today I see my success score is 3 and Conflict free orders + Order cancelation have strong impact. It doesn't make sense, I really don't know what to do, I just think I should delete the Gig.
  10. Dear all, I had 2 mistakenly placed orders by buyer and then I contacted CS team to cancel the orders without affecting my rating and they agreed and cancelled. Now I see my gig has 3 success score and order cancellation and conflict free is having negative impact. What should I do now? Anyone can help?
  11. Can someone help me on how to set customized song instead of the default sound in iPhone for Fiverr app? I never wake up with default sound, I need to customize it to a little longer sound.
  12. Recently, my friend who is having account of designing and added a Gig of translation received TOC warning for this Gig. Is it normal? After that I didn’t try to use any Gig for any other service.
  13. I knew that we are not able to have multiple services in a single account, like I have translation account and therefore I am not allowed to have Gigs for designing or even Wordpress, all gigs must be unique to translation. I recently saw a seller who is offering multiple services since 2020. Is it normal? Can we also have multiple services?
  14. momaidi

    Promoting Gigs

    I joined Fiverr about 7 months ago, I started translation here. I completed 13 orders with good feedbacks and reached level 1 quickly. I see my success score is 6 (I can’t find any negative impact point in overview I see room for growth only), I thought it is all because of using only one Gig. From 13 orders I have used one Gig for 11 orders and one other for 2, maybe it caused me to be judged by a single Gig which is on top of search. I started to promote my Gigs as it has been 7 days since my last delivery, I just need to boost my business and make sure I am on the right way to go. To be honest, I don’t have enough experience to check where is my Gig placing after I promote it and how it will be shown to customer (seller), your points will really help me in understanding.
  15. momaidi

    Promoting Gigs

    Hello everyone, I have reached level 1 and I got option to promote my gigs. Your advice will really help me in this regard, one gig of mine is on top of search, should I promote it too? Or it is good to promote Gigs which are located in 5th or 6th page of the search. For how long I should promote? I offer translation services. Thank you
  16. Thank you It really worked, I got response from CS team.
  17. Can anyone advise? If I close the order through resolution requested (dispute) of course order completion rate will be affected. Later on, can CS team restore my ratio and the rest affected counters, after I get their response? I have 3 hours left in delivery and still no update from CS team. Thanks
  18. I know it’s not good to say but sometimes we really lose our way He was pushing and messaging every single hour like it’s deal of million dollars. He asked for dispute to cancel order I rejected as it’s impacting my account. I hope CS team don’t count such orders in cancelled orders or affect my order completion rate which is at 100% now.
  19. It’s really disappointing It’s buyer mistake, I didn’t ask him to send me 3 orders, he is asking me to cancel like It was my fault. I see fiverr is well-designed for buyers not us (sellers), at least we could do something to avoid affecting order completion rate. I believe using bad words isn’t allowed even if It was my fault, I hope they solve the issue. I requested for extending delivery date but he isn’t responding, I really don’t understand why some buyers are so broken, even I told him I am not getting CS response, I can give $15 in cash if you prefer. I wish Fiverr focus somehow on sellers too.
  20. Dears, Yesterday, a buyer messaged me for translation service, we argued on $5 (1 order), later on I received 3 orders each $5. I delivered one and the rest 2 orders are in progress status, buyer is threatening me with 1-star rating for the order delivered, he is using bad words in messaged and he asking for refund. I told him I can’t accept dispute because it affects Order completion rate, as by March I will reach Level 1, I am dropping email to CS team but no response since yesterday. What is the solution for such cases? It was buyer mistake not mine but he is pushing.
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