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  1. Thanks for responding. I already have 3 audio file samples in my gig (not live portfolio) and couldn't add more so I'm hoping I could get the work I delivered uploaded to my live portfolio but that's exactly where the issue stated above lies. My buyer must have mistakenly disallowed sharing my work even though we both agreed to show it so I'm hoping if I could ask him again to check the box that allows sharing my delivered work.
  2. Hey there, @trombonhero! It's me again. You responded to one of my threads yesterday and I'm really grateful. I hope you don't mind if I ask for help again! How do you ask for permission? Is this something we can request thru customer support or just asking the buyer directly and literally for consent? If it's the former, is there anyway it could still show on my live portfolio (granted the work has already been delivered and is in WAV form)? I assume if it's the latter, I'd just have to upload it myself into my gig profile. This might be an anecdotal and niche encounter so I don't expect to receive perfect answers. 🙂 Thanks!
  3. I know we can only upload mp3 audio files to our own gallery but is it the same as our live portfolio? Just wondering so I know what to do the next time I do deliveries because my last delivery (which is in WAV form) hasn't showed up on my live portfolio yet despite both the buyer and I agreeing to do so.
  4. Sounds great - I'll keep these in mind. You were extremely helpful! Thanks again. 🙂
  5. Thank you for answering my question! I hope you don't mind a follow-up question but how long do these get uploaded into my portfolio? Mine hasn't been showing for about 8 hrs now so I'm just wondering if it's normal or I should give my customer a heads-up at this point? 🙂 That is actually a really nice advice! As someone who loves partnering music with an aesthetic or mental image, that idea would be lovely.
  6. I'm delivering vocal tracks/stems to my customer but I'd also like to have the full song be shown in my portfolio rather than just acapellas. Is that possible? I'm thinking of uploading the song along with the zip file of the vocal stems so only the full song gets showcased but please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! Thanks!
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