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Everything posted by slavius84

  1. The name of the concert better not be changed
  2. Maybe they changed the title of the gig, they told me that I couldn’t do that.
  3. Everything seems to be fine, wait, I’m waiting too.
  4. Same thing, I don’t know what to do. If only I could somehow advertise the gig
  5. I constantly receive messages of a dubious nature, I immediately throw them in spam and block them.
  6. Before investing in professional equipment, you must have at least some income from work. I used to spend a lot of money and get nothing, now until I earn normal money on Fever I won’t buy anything at all.
  7. Besides social networks, how else can you advertise your gig?
  8. Create quality content and promote it in every possible way
  9. это не причина я не знаю что это, правда
  10. I think its not like that, its something else
  11. What do you have in mind?
  12. Enter the title and description of the concert in the search.
  13. Apparently not, you can create up to seven concerts Already tried it, maybe there are just a lot of authors in my industry? I first uploaded a home video of playing the guitar, but there were no views at all, so I decided to upload this.
  14. Not always, I entered key keys for all concerts and it didn’t really help (
  15. slavius84


    There have been no views or orders for a long time, I shared it on social networks, what should I do?
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