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  1. Hello! This was my third completed job and I faced little issues with the first two projects. Those project were delivered, they accepted it, and I saw that the funds were added to the 'payments being cleared' section under the 'Future Payments' category within 24hrs. I know that the next part (waiting before it becomes available to withdraw) takes 2 weeks. I've read everything and expected this. This third project is turning out different, which is concerning. It was delivered on the Dec 9th, auto-accepted on Dec 12th, but the funds have not been added to the 'payments being cleared' section. (Currently the 15th as of writing this) On top of that, when I look back on the order page, it says that I "earned $0 from this order" https://imgur.com/9pVxyhphttps://imgur.com/9pVxyhphttps://imgur.com/9pVxyhp What's more perplexing is that the client ordered and paid Fiverr on November 21st, which was when they accepted my offer. They even sent me a screengrab of their payment. So this has been more then 2 weeks on their end as well. https://imgur.com/eVCDt3u So...Just wondering if anyone might have experienced something similar and hoping that this is super normal. I've reached out to Fiverr, no response yet. Thank you in advance!
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