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About tanveerdesigned

  • Birthday September 12


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  1. Sorry to hear 'bout your experience. It's possible that there was a technical issue. As for preventing this in the future, regularly save your work and backup. Hopefully, you can re-upload your content without too much trouble. Hang tight!
  2. Sure thing! If I need YouTube channel setup services, I'll be sure to reach out!
  3. Welcome aboard! I wish I had cracked that code myself. Stay dedicated, keep refining your skills, and I'm sure you'll get there soon!
  4. Hello and Welcome to the Fiverr forum! Unfortunately, I do not speak Spanish but I'm here to help in any way I can! 😊
  5. Understandably, you're concerned about your gig's success score however, the new member introductions area might not be the best place to ask for assistance for this kind of issue.
  6. Eid Mubarak to you too.
  7. Welcome aboard! Optimize your gig and share your gig on social media platforms to increase visibility.
  8. Welcome aboard! Feel free to share your gig link on your social media profiles.
  9. I believe having one logo in a gig image is ideal for improving clarity and focus.
  10. If you need to place your order, go to Fiverr, browse through the gigs, and then place your order.
  11. Welcome aboard! The Fiverr forum serves as a community where users come together to share valuable insights, tips, and experiences.
  12. Welcome aboard! I think reviewing and updating your gig to make it more appealing to buyers - like optimizing keywords, updating images, and refining your gig description.
  13. I think reviewing and updating your gig to make it more appealing to potential buyers - like optimizing keywords, updating gig images, and refining the gig description.
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