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  1. @Lena can you please answer my questions ? :(
  2. @Lena I understand, but it’s frustrating when customer support marks a ticket as resolved without any response. Effective communication is crucial for resolving issues. How can we address the problem if we don’t have a dialogue?
  3. May I know the reason behind flagging my account? @Lena
  4. I am facing the same problem, can you please guide me on how can I resolve this issue? In my case customer support said decision is final 🙂
  5. @Lena Could you please review the communication with Carina? She marked my ticket as resolved without providing a response, which is quite concerning. I’m unsure what’s happening here, as I haven’t violated any Terms of Service. The way customer support is handling this situation makes me feel like I’m being treated unfairly. I would appreciate your guidance on how to proceed. Thank you.
  6. I am writing to seek clarification regarding the status of my flagged account. When I inquired about whether the flagging would be permanent, I received conflicting information. Initially, I was informed that the account would be reviewed and that I would receive a confirmation email within 60 days. However, I was later told that the flagging would be permanent. Could you please provide a clear and definitive answer regarding the status of my account?
  7. I already created a ticket but they are saying the desicison is final , but I really respect the TOS. Can you please help me to resolve this account issue please ?
  8. @milos_siena understood but I don't have any other account right now , I already contacted Fiverr support but they are not agree to unflagged my account . Can you please help ?
  9. In response, I would like to clarify that my concern is not with others but with the fact that Fiverr seems to be supporting them. Fiverr is aware of who they are but has yet to take any action.
  10. I’d like to clarify that I was previously employed by a company that operates on Fiverr. I have resigned from that position to start my own career on Fiverr. I do not have any other seller accounts. If I did, I would not be posting here. @smartdezigns @rawque_gulia @filipdevaere @donnovan86 @Kesha @Lyndsey_Fiverr
  11. @milos_siena i am facing the same issue as well, i already generated a ticket but no one is respoding now. can you please look into this and help me to unflagged my account becasue i really respect the TOS, i have used a public wifi because we are facing a elecritiy shortage due to heavy rain and also my home internet is not working.
  12. I’m incredibly disappointed with @Fiverr After years of dedication, maintaining a stellar reputation, and strictly adhering to their guidelines, my account was suddenly flagged for a violation I did not commit. Despite my appeals and explanations, I’ve received no clear proof or justification for this action. This decision has severe implications for my livelihood, as I’ve built my entire career on Fiverr. How can this be fair when others with multiple accounts continue to operate without issue? I have multiple pieces of evidence showing sellers with multiple accounts who are still being supported by Fiverr, while I’ve been unjustly punished. The Terms of Service should apply equally to everyone. It’s disheartening to be penalized without cause while others blatantly violate the rules with apparent support. I urge Fiverr to reconsider and provide the transparency and fairness that loyal sellers deserve.
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