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Everything posted by cristinagva

  1. Oh, the great leveling has come. Welcome Upwork 2.0.
  2. Hi, Thanks for replying! I generally translate text only because audio is more time-consuming and less paid. However, I did use two gig videos in French/English and apart from improved impressions/clicks, nothing really. Thanks
  3. Hi there! Here’s my first post on Fiverr. I’ve been freelancing on Upwork for a decade, and I’ve just created my Fiverr seller account this year, but I’m still struggling to understand its business model. I got a great order early on at a reasonable price, and nothing afterwards for months. Some small recent orders and that’s all. A deafening silence except for spam messages. Obviously, there are great differences between Upwork and Fiverr, I won’t go into that. However, I am still struggling with the gig concept. Most of my Upwork clients (60%) are repeat clients. Note that I don't have to offer special pricing subscriptions to keep them. Not sure how I can develop long-term relationships on Fiverr. Is the race to the bottom the only pricing strategy for new sellers? If it is, then I should focus solely on Upwork. Thanks! Cristina
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