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Everything posted by azhar_004

  1. Contact fiverr support and claim about problem. I hope fiverr will resolve it.
  2. I assure you that you will loose 2 account at a time😄. Never think about that.
  3. if you think which is more easy and not too much competitor? i would suggest go for it Email Marketing. It's easy to learn and easy to rank. Don't hesitation, don't listen what people say just go for it. I told you from my experience.
  4. You don't believe that i have been waiting for one years still i can't get any order but i still struglling for order and pray to allah
  5. Never Ever. You don't need to do any tension. I already did this so many times. Still now i am using save profile.
  6. try to active as you can in daily. share your gig in socila media platfrom.
  7. do best kw researach with low and high competitive kw. do daily social media post.
  8. Create your fiverr profile you have to wait 1 day and after that you can publish gig. It's my personal opinion.
  9. Try to publish a gig with low competitive keyword and then apply for it. If it is not work then contact with fiverr support
  10. Do fiverr and Upwork crash course then apply it. Oterwise you will never get any order from it. social media platfrom is a best things to get client
  11. Always remember that never ever change anything in Gig when gig is in rank. Don't care anything what people says. If you can when you have 8/10 order in queue it's perfect time for it.
  12. be patience...try to active as you can without refresher. More important thing is always try to develop your knowledge
  13. from your chrome browser you have to create incognito website and go fiverr.com then searach the keyword you provide in help then you get so many keyword in search bar. After search you will find so many gig then see every profile details with tag. After research atleast 20 gig i hope you will be arrange title and tag better.
  14. It almost 8 months i can't get any order from fiverr. I am fully frusteted.

  15. I published my gig 8 month before, till now i can't get any order. I am fully frusteted
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