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About ashik_iqbal4

  • Birthday 12/01/1984


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  1. Hello I am Ashik Iqbal. I am new to fiverr. Please let me know if I have completed my gig correctly. This is my gig link: https://www.fiverr.com/s/0kLZz2
  2. You can do marketing with gig link on forum
  3. I created my Fiverr account last September. My account is active for 24 hours but not getting expected results. My gig is getting impressions, but not clicking. I also dread editing gigs because what comes, goes! I am seeking expert advice. What can be done to solve this problem? Below is the link of my gig. If anyone has the will or time, please check out the gig and if you have any suggestions for me or my gig please let me know. My gig:- https://www.fiverr.com/s/P5xLgg Note:- Do not give any suggestion which is not applicable for this gig.
  4. Hi, am Asif Iqbal a data entry expert. How can I market my gig and where and how can I market my gig? If anyone knows please tell me
  5. Hi, I am Asif Iqbal looking for expert advice on how to rank my gig. I am working on data entry.
  6. How can I rank the gig would be appreciated please
  7. How can I rank my gig on fiverr and get Bayer order from experienced people. Please help me and advise me how to work on fiverr. Please let me know whether I have been able to present my gig correctly. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes. This is my gig link: https://www.fiverr.com/s/palqGR
  8. I'm a data entry expert I'm new to fiverr. How can I promote my gig and how can I get buyer orders on Fiverr, experienced people please suggest.Here is my gig link :https://www.fiverr.com/s/9oVRvE
  9. I have passed english test you give your test
  10. Request the usual fiber authority to face such hazards while giving the fiber skill test and explain the matter to them.
  11. I have not received any order yet. Please let me know how you got the first order and also tell me how you are getting the order
  12. I published gigs to provide data entry services.  Experienced sellers stay by my side and help me with your orders.  I want to be at your service all the time

  13. I published gigs to provide data entry services. Experienced sellers stay by my side and help me with your orders. I want to be at your service all the time
  14. How do I improve my gig profile? what to do for first order?
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