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  1. I have not seen that yet, where is this available? Would love to spend some time going trough that 😂
  2. How much sound do we have to make in order for them to open their eyes? I feel like no one agrees with these metrics. And I also think not everyone working at Fiverr either understands the system. At least that's the feeling I got from the last time I contacted customer support. But I also think the responses on customer support are full with automated messages. I wrote a few things about the system and how it flaws etc. Here is a part of what i said "heart of advice, educate yourself on what many sellers on Fiverr are saying. Because you all seem to have no idea!" and then got back: "This is a great suggestion and I will immediately forward it to our Product Developers. Hopefully, this could be implemented someday. In the meantime stay updated on everything new on Fiverr by following us on social media." And yes, that meme is painfully accurate!
  3. This post is targeted at people with high success scores. Currently I am facing difficulties with that system. it says that my negative points are "Effective communication" and "Client satisfaction" another gig also says no key ereas to improve (which sounds more like : We maybe know what you do wrong, and we punish you for it, but we are not going to tell you what it is!) While I don't see anything going wrong with my orders, orders get done, people use the designs, customers stay friendly, good reviews, these factors still have massive influence in my success score. It could also be Dutch directness, which might seem non-professional to the Fiverr measurements or something, again, IDK. I am also working a full time job while doing freelance, which means that I do not always have the time for a project, and have to friendly reject the project. I also don't take any project when the inbox messaging feels odd, or when they want gigantic discounts etc. I will give an example on one of my gigs This gig is new, and has a total of 2 orders, from the same person. This customer was new to Fiverr, and 70 years old. That meant that I had alot to explain, check with him and reworked alot of stuff due to some mistakes from his part. Now this gig scores a 4! With " These key areas impact this Gig’s score the most: There are no specific areas significantly impacting your Gig's score. Learn how to improve your Gig score " My question for those freelancers with high success scores, What are specific things you do, that keep (the mentioned) performance metrics high? Examples would be amazing. Thanks in advance. Also, share what you think about the metric system, I think it "works" on paper, but not in the real world, we are freelancers, not machines!
  4. Your account can't connect, because your paypal account is limited. Here is what paypal has to say about that: Why is my PayPal account limited? If we’ve limited your account, we'll send you an email with the reason for the limitation. Before you begin A limited account means that you won’t be able to do certain things with your PayPal account. For example, you might not be able to send or withdraw money. Usually, we ask you to complete some steps to remove your account limitation. Go to your Resolution Center or click the bell icon at the top of your Dashboard for more info. Reasons for Account Limitations We may limit an account for several reasons, such as: Regulatory requirements We may limit your account to comply with regulatory requirements. For example, requesting certain products, like a debit card, can trigger governmental laws. We may limit your account while we work together to satisfy those requirements. Acceptable Use Policy If you're not in compliance with our Acceptable Use Policy, we can limit your account. Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy include selling banned items such as prescription drugs or guns. Unauthorized use We may limit your account to protect you from potential losses and review any fraudulent activity. This can happen if your: Account was accessed without your authorization Bank informs us there have been unauthorized transfers between your PayPal account and your bank account Debit or credit card issuer alerts us that someone may have used your card without your permission Higher risk activity We may limit your account if your seller performance indicates high risk activity. This can happen if you: Receive an unusually high number of claims and chargebacks from your buyers, which are an indication of poor seller performance Start selling an entirely new type of product, such as a higher-cost item like jewelry Experience rapidly increasing sales volume, which is out of nature with your usual sales patterns In these cases, we may limit your account while we do a review. So, as you can read, you should have received an E-mail about this. If not, I suggest you contact Paypal to discover the next step in fixing this issue. These are scammers, Please don't click on any link, scan QR codes or share your private info. All contact is on FIverr and you should not contact outside of Fiverr. Buyers don't need your E-mail adress to confirm the order. Fiverr does all that! Please educate yourself on basic online safety before engaging on online platforms.
  5. You can cleary see that this is not a real Fiverr url. www.fiverr.com! always! Please learn basic internet safety practices before engaging on Fiverr, Gmail or any platform requiring internet connection.
  6. There are so many! Here is my breakdown Since when is Fiverr named Alice? Have you ever had Fiverr contact you like this? Since when does Fiverr have a username named "rajaahsank" ? From Pakistan Fiverr is on Fiverr, since 2023? Welcome new seller!..? Why does Fiverr randomly use two spaces in a line? And then one where it randomly stops halfway? Why are you getting a notification about an order, in your inbox, and not in your notifications? Why can you create an offer to Fiverr? Why would we have to sub to seller plus to get more insights of Alice, from Fiverr? The link is fiverr.order56.com ,what? Says "keep the conversation on the platform" yet requests you to use an external link? Just the first one should be enough to know.... but I had a little fun with this 🙂
  7. Educate yourself on how the platform works, before taking part in your freelancer inbox or the forum community.
  8. That is an issue I have faced a few times. What I do is send a mail asking if there is an update related to my request, maybe you could try that. Would be better if they just send a mail like `thanks for waiting, we are still researching on your request, we expect to respond .......` Instead of having 0 contact for 5 days. Gives a better feeling if you get a reminder in between waiting time instead of long silence. Anyway, hope your issue will be resolved soon!
  9. Have you send Fiverr the screenshot you have added in this post? Sounds like there is an website error on Fiverrs part. And I think only they will be able to fix this, not you. You can respond again to the message you received from the customer support. Also off topic; I have never experienced or seen this before... so congrats on experiencing something rare 😂😅
  10. You should not change a description to give it "a new look" you should change it to fit your offer, market place and keywords. Change the description when you see a decrease in impressions or orders. Clicks do not have anything to do with your descriptions. Your video can be related to clicks, Try to find your gig in the search results, and see why a buyer would not want to click on your gig (also compare to others you are listed with). The general tip I'm trying to explain is change your gig based on which statistic is low. This is a small description based on what you mentioned in your message, but you can go (and should) in much more depth!
  11. I only (slightly) understand what he is saying if I read the subtitles, and the voice sounds like the animated Tiktok voice over. This guy can't speak or understand a single word of proper Dutch. What a shame to see.
  12. Great advice! Keeping your self respect and protecting your profile is something you should put above earing a few bucks. Great that you stayed with your answer of no, even after he agreed on the normal price. We all know the high risk (and more the effect) of a bad review. Yes you could reply with what happend, but still, it's a bad review based on something you can't do anything about and it will have an effect in some way. But if my knowledge is correct, FIverr rates your gig lower if you don't get a sale out of a conversation (right?) So with this story as an example, I think Fiverr should not calculate this as a way to rate our profiles. But then again, I have alot against the sneaky measurements 😉 Would love to see more interesting chat conversations on this Forum, could be fun to see what everyone has to deal with 😂
  13. That's exactly what happend with me too 🙂 Here we are, back stronger than ever haha!
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