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  1. Hello @Kesha The Conflict of Orders metric shows negative impact on one of my gigs, even though I have NEVER had an order dispute with a buyer, no order cancellations or late deliveries in over @ years of selling. I have never had anything apart from a 5 star rating on ALL jobs I have completed, totalling almost 100. How then can I have a conflict of orders? The most frustrating thing is, Fiverr Support only gives generic and non-personal answers that do not solve anything. What do you suggest I do?
  2. It appears this is it. All of this is crazy to me, because why would Fiverr just decide to punish sellers without cause, especially when they have consistently delivered topnotch service quality? I find it very ridiculous that even Fiverr staff get generic answers from support. What does that even mean? Can they just decide to target and shadow-ban sellers for no just cause, and refuse to give coherent answers when this issue is raised? I am just stunned, honestly.
  3. This is wild. I appreciate you trying your best, though. Thank you so much.
  4. @milos_siena any update on this, please? Thank you once more for offering to help out.
  5. I would really appreciate this. I'm at my wit's end here, so thank you very much.
  6. I have done this at least on 3 separate occasions in the last year. They keep giving generic answers and saying that they can't guarantee search result placement. I have repeatedly told them that I have absolutely no negative reviews but nobody seems to bother enough to look into it.
  7. In addition, I personally know a couple of sellers from my city in Nigeria who have faced the exact same problem, and all of this happened around the same time early last year. Suddenly, zero impressions across all gigs, disappearance from search results, and basically no visibility on the platform. All of this without violating any rules. Everything just stopped suddenly.
  8. I remember that all this started in January last year. The December of 2022 was a good month. I had great sales, and then suddenly, I just stopped appearing in search results. I did all the usual things they talk about. I optimized my gigs, messaged the existing buyers I had to encourage them to purchase again, but no matter how many orders I fulfilled, nothing changed. I kept getting great reviews from my existing buyers, and I even messaged support about it but they never told me anything that offered any insights. I've never been able to promote my gigs, or get into Seller Plus, or any other extra features that might exist. I have even directed buyers from outside to purchase from me on the platform. Nothing worked, yet I have not had a single bad review since I became a seller. It's all very mysterious.
  9. I have not had any bad reviews ever, and all my gigs have disappeared from search results for almost a year now. Throughout 2023, I only had orders from repeat buyers, and didn't get a single message from any new buyer at all. I am a Level 2 seller with over 90 5-star reviews, no order cancellations or late deliveries ever. What could be the issue in my own case?
  10. I've had the exact same experience all year. Virtually no impressions, and only a handful of jobs from returning buyers. I've never had any late deliveries, order cancellations or bad reviews. I've tried to optimize title, description and tags on numerous occasions but nothing seems to be working.
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