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  1. I have been on Fiverr for a little or more than 3 years, which is why I had decided to recommend it to many of my friends, university classmates, and I am currently teaching entrepreneurship classes where I give my students classes on how to create a profile on Fiverr, such as closing your first sale, the do's and don'ts. The point is, I have recently come across several messages from my students saying that there are a series of people who are looking to scam them within the Fiverr platform itself, something that has never happened to me and I think it is only happening with the new people who come to the platform because of course, these types of malicious people believe that since they are new, they are easy prey. And it worries me because I don't know what Fiverr is doing about it, I have seen some cases where there are people who use the nickname "Fiverr's_customer_service" or even the Fiverr's Logo image, and there are students who believe that Fiverr was writing to them. I believe that Fiverr should prohibit a user from using the same company name as their own, even more so, words like "customer_service" or its derivatives. I explained that they be carefully with this kind of messages. For now while this is resolved, my best recommendation for new users is to be suspicious of messages that appear in your inbox where they try, or pretend to be, people who come from Fiverr customer service support, do not open any links, or provide your banking information. You have to be very careful with these unscrupulous people.
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