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Posts posted by emma_7134

  1. Hi everyone,

    I completed my first order a few weeks ago and the payment was cleared into my available funds balance five days ago. The net amount in USD after the 20% cut was $5.60. However, I am in Canada, so my payout will be in CAD. On the first day, the amount available to be withdrawn was $8.04. It dropped to $8 this morning, and it is now down to $7.96.

    Is this purely related to the fluctuating exchange rates of currencies or do I somehow lose money if I don't withdraw it? Has anyone else encountered this problem?



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  2. 11 hours ago, urvah_tr said:

    I have been on Fiverr for a month now and I feel like the only reason I haven't got my first order is that people don't know me yet plus I am in a competition with approximately 40000 people on my gig. Got any suggestions?

    This is the value of niching down. To give you an example, I have gigs in very general categories (English-French translation or proofreading, for example) that have never had any orders. On the other hand, my gig in Notion templates is in a much smaller niche (less than 650 sellers have "notion template" in their title and description) and has gotten all my orders.

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  3. Hi @mtt_harrison,

    The "Accepting Custom Orders" button can be activated if you would like to get orders that are not exactly what is proposed by your Gig. For example, a customer could ask for a custom order that includes more extras that are not usually included, etc.

    The "Get briefs" button allows you to receive requests directly from buyers who do not have a single seller in mind. They post a brief, and the Fiverr algorithm then matches them up with several different buyers based on the keywords in their gigs and profile. 

    To maximize your chances as a new seller, you should probably activate both. Some sellers prefer to leave "Get briefs" off. 

    Hope that helps!

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  4. Hi @elizabuilds,

    Welcome to the forum! Levels on the forum are less about number of posts and more about how useful your posts are to the Fiverr community. You will notice that every reaction you get on your posts will increase your number of points. These points go towards increasing your rank.

    Furthermore, the number of posts you are limited to in a single day is not related to your rank, only to the platform trying to limit spammers.

    Hope that helps!

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  5. Hi there,

    Fiverr is very strict about "double accounts" (essentially the same person creating two or more accounts to bypass more than a few other rules).

    If your husband created his account using the same device as you, or maybe even with the same phone number or in the same location, then Fiverr could have flagged this as suspicious and disabled his account. 

    Good luck!

    • Like 8
  6. On 10/10/2023 at 12:08 PM, vickieito said:

    I looked at your gig images and they are generic (so buyers may skim over them) and don't clearly show what services you are offering (you should have 1-5 words clearly describing your services). I also don't see work examples of what you can do (this gives you credibility when you have no orders). Your gig descriptions only lists your services - they don't have a compelling message that will pull your buyers in and show them why you are uniquely qualified to solve their problems. Speak to your buyers' pain points and show them how you are the solution to their problems.

    This is amazing advice! I think most sellers here could stand to hear this a few more times (and me included).

    Thanks, @vickieito!

    • Like 10
  7. Hi there,

    I've taken a look at your profile, and here are a few tips that could help you get an order faster.

    - Work on your profile description. Since many (but not all) Fiverr buyers are anglophone, having a properly punctuated and grammatically correct description is a key aspect in scoring your first order. 

    - Same thing for your gig descriptions. For example, you say "I will give you the right Audience with more sales" Instead of promising a result, explain how you will achieve it. This also counters bad reviews that did not see the promised imporvement.

    However, please remember that you need to be patient, especially before getting your first order. 

    Good luck!

    • Like 20
  8. Hi there,

    If you are asking about the test that can be taken to earn a little badge on your English Language skill, you have to go to your profile, then click on "Take a Test". A window will open and you will be prompted to aswer a series of questions without accessing a different window. 

    Good luck!

    • Like 11
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  9. 17 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

    Answer to your 1st query: NOT TRUE. Nature of order placement doesn't really matter. Order completion has a positive impact on gig's performance & its relevance on search. It doesn't matter if the order came as a direct purchase on gig or through a custom offer. 

    Focus on delivering a professional and convenient experience to the buyer and rest will follow. 

    Thanks for you answer! I'll definitely do my best!

    • Like 14
  10. Hey again,

    I am so thrilled right now, and for a good reason: I just got my first order from a customer! I am really thankful for the leap of faith that this customer took when hiring me (a new seller with no orders, ever).

    Now, on the more rational side, I do have a few questions:

    1. Is it true that completing custom orders will not positively affect my Gig impressions? I've read someplace on the forum that only non-custom orders boost impressions.
    2. If that is false, will my Gig stats go up when the order is placed or when the order is completed?
    3. And will my Gig impressions rise only in that specific Gig or in all of them--in different categories? (With and without a good review.)


    P.S.: I started on Fiverr about a month ago, so to all you fellow newbies, good luck! 

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  11. 8 hours ago, rawque_gulia said:

    Have a little party with your butter sandwiches and then get back to work, haha! From time to time, Fiverr offers temporary boosts to new sellers and gives them a short opportunity to showcase their skills and talents. However, this boost wave does not last long (if you are not able to secure a deal). So, try to secure as many deals as possible, so that Fiverr can recommend you more, otherwise, you may get stuck and left without any orders in the future without any additional boosts.

    Thanks for the advice! I'm looking forward to that next boost! How often do they usually happen (every month or every six months)?

    • Like 9
  12. 3 hours ago, ahmwritingco said:

    Mum used to make those for me almost every day when I was at school. 🙂 Do you prefer the chunky or smooth peanut butter?

    Chunky, of course! Though smooth is better for peanut butter cookies 🥰. What about you?

    3 hours ago, ahmwritingco said:

    I'm not sure I've seen anybody celebrate 1k impressions before. This is something new. Your gigs look pretty good, so you should get your first order soon, fingers crossed.

    Thanks! I really hope so!

    • Like 10
  13. I've seen the same thing happen to me 🙃 Just when I think they can't get any worse, they do.

    I think you just have to be patient, continue optimizing your Gigs, until your get your first order. From there, especially if you get a good review, Fiverr will be more inclined to put you higher in the rankings.

    From what I've heard, Fiverr promotes your Gigs on their first day just to see how they do. From there, it is normal for your clicks and impressions to drop.

    Good luck!

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  14. Greetings,

    I've been on Fiverr for a little over a week and my Gigs have been doing alright. I haven't gotten any orders yet. Like most new sellers, I've received at least a hundred spam messages since I created my account.

    Today, I received a message from a buyer who looks more legit than all the others I've already seen. However, he/she is asking me for a discounted price on one of my Gigs because "I study and in terms of Turkish lira dollar is very expensive nowadays". I'm inclined towards giving them the discount (the Turkish lira is not going well, according to Google) but I'm worried this will start a trend that will make all my future buyers expect a discount if this one writes a review mentioning it. What should I do?


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  15. I've taken a look at your Gigs and they seem very good. However, some of your thumbnail images have a little too much text (that's my opinion, though since I changed my pictures to make them more attractive, I've seen a rise of clicks). Of course, you can't get many clicks if you don't have many impressions, but getting more orders will boost your Gig up in the search results.

    Just focus on serving the customers you have well, and their reviews will help you land more orders in the long-term.


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  16. Greetings,

    I've had a few Gigs up for about a week now, and on the first day all of them experienced a huge jump in impressions (approx. 100+/day on the best one), then crashed to less than 10 for a few days. Since then, they've been fluctuating but never went up to that high level again. (I did notice that impressions go down during the weekend, but that's not really what I'm asking about.)

    Does Fiverr "promote" some new sellers for a day or two and rotate them to give all a chance at getting their first order? Has anyone else noticed this pattern? Or else, what might have changed?


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