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About abddullah_jisan

  • Birthday 09/10/2003


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  1. if you are getting a good amount of impressions then I think u should focus on your gig price and gig image❤️❤️
  2. welcome brother❤️ research on your topic before publishing a gig and SEO-friendly gig and gig marketing this combination will help you to get orders fast. Best of luck for your first order❤️
  3. i think you should focus on your gig image and price and also avg response time❤️❤️
  4. SEO-friendly gig and gig marketing this combination will help you to get orders fast. Best of luck for your first order❤️❤️🚀
  5. SEO-friendly gig and gig marketing this combination will help you to increase your impressions. Best of luck for your first order❤️❤️🚀
  6. SEO-friendly gig and gig marketing this combination will help you to get orders fast. Best of luck for your first order❤️❤️🚀
  7. SEO-friendly gig and gig marketing this combination will help you to get orders fast. Best of luck for your first order❤️❤️🚀
  8. from my experience gig marketing helps to increase impression and clicks though click depends on your price and image I think🚀❤️
  9. SEO-friendly gig and gig marketing this combination will help you to get more impressions and order fast. Best of luck for your first order❤️❤️
  10. focus and analyze why those 3 people did not give you the order❤️❤️❤️
  11. if you are getting impressions daily but not orders then you can use an attractive gig image and obviously you have to alert for you average response time and gig price❤️❤️
  12. publish SEO friendly gigs and use an attractive gig and do gig marketing daily. and obviously first of all you should research your gig title. Best of luck❤️
  13. to get order publish a seo frndly gig and attractive gig image and obviouly do gig marketing❤️❤️
  14. if you can't get order you have to focus on your gig image you should choose an attractive and click-worthy image for your gig and obviously you should focus on your gig price and last of all do gig marketing properly❤️
  15. SEO friendly gig and gig marketing this combination will help you to get order fast. Best of luck for your first order❤️
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