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Everything posted by sujonmadbor

  1. Same my gig impression also day by day down. 😥😥
  2. Be active and engaged. The more active you are on the forum, the more likely you are to be noticed by potential buyers. 😊❤️

  3. Detailed Gig Descriptions:

    Create clear and detailed gig descriptions that outline what you offer, the process, and the benefits for buyers.

  4. Gig editing can be damaging if it reduces content quality because of hasty labor, does not include sufficient fact-checking, or undermines the original author's intent. While quick editing is advantageous, ignoring standards can undermine trust and compromise the integrity of the material delivered, thereby misleading or confusing readers.
  5. I think it does not harm your profile. If the client needs revision he/she will inform you.
  6. It is better not to put any extension in the browser that you use to be active in fiber
  7. Use high-quality, clear, and eye-catching images. Make sure your images are the correct size and format (1280 x 769 pixels, JPEG or PNG). Add a text overlay with your gig title and a brief description. Avoid using too much text or cluttering your images. Use relevant keywords in your image titles and alt text. I hope this helps! 😊😊
  8. If I ping my URL is safe for my gig and Fiverr account. I am worried about it. Some YouTubers say that it's safe and some YouTubers say it is not safe. What should I do please explain it.
  9. Have to be patient. I have to believe in myself, I can do it
  10. I am a new seller on Fiverr 20 days gig age. But day by day gig clicks are decreasing.
  11. Chatgpt is trained on a massive dataset of text and code and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. I think it's very helpful! What's your opinion?
  12. I think it depends on keywords, tags, good descriptions, and low prices for new sellers.
  13. I am new in the Fiverr marketplace. I want to get an order in my profile how it's possible a quick way? Please suggest me, This is my Fiverr profile: https://www.fiverr.com/sujonmadbor?up_rollout=true
  14. 99% fake buyers. So, I advise you to avoid this guy.
  15. How long can it take to get the first order on Fiverr?

  16. Good luck! You will be successful by your hard work.
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