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  1. Hello, Everyone! I am new here. I just started my free freelancing career. please pray for me.
  2. Your Gig Image Gig Description The keywords used in the gig should be attractive to buyers to increase your gig rank. As a result the impression of the gig will not be zero but will increase.
  3. Gig seo should be done first. The description of the gig should be well described so that the buyers express interest in purchasing the product. Promising to deliver products as per their demand and on time. Being active online longer. Because many times buyers knock you but you don't reply. As a result you have to face problems in getting the order.
  4. The image of the gig should be SEO. Gig title, Description of the gig should be attractive to the seller. Should be online more time. Above all, regular buyer requests should be sent after publishing the gig.
  5. If you don't stay fiver for a long time, you can avoid receiving orders. Because buyers can message you anytime for products or services. So I think, vendors should stay fiber active for longer.
  6. Gig SEO should be done . Then the description of the gig should be beautiful. The better the keywords in the gig title description the better your chances of ranking.
  7. First you need to promote your gig according to fiber rules social media. Then deliver in time and track your order regularly.
  8. You go to seller page of gigs section and click on delete menu.
  9. First you need to optimization your profile, Then a new gig needs to be created and the gig details must be perfect. As a result, buyers will get the benefit of easy advertising and will have to answer all the questions that come under the gig fake section.
  10. Get your gig image size right first .Then decide the work or service you will provide use at least 3 gig of pictures. Use picture before or after the work or service. This will make your gig image beautiful.
  11. Give the Gig title such that your service is easy for buyers to understand. This will increase your gig performance.
  12. At first category selected then using a filter and your SEO keywords and finally find my gig on Fiverr.
  13. Because of your Gig image ,dealy service , not right to use hashtags, and You have not Proper marketing in your gig.
  14. If you want successful to be successful seller first step you provided best quality service and after delivery the work you can provide free unlimited revisions .And make sure you can set your price at reasonable and provide best quality work.
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