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Everything posted by hr_graph

  1. How to promote my gig in social media? My gig impression is poor, and I did not get any orders. Please advise me on how to promote my gig accurately. My gig link is- https://www.fiverr.com/s/5e9Qjz
  2. I read various articles and published my gig SEO with the help of experts and even promoted on various social media like Linkedin, Quora etc. But still the rank of my gig decreased. Sometimes it increases. But most of the time it decreases. Not even an order. In such a situation, I seek the help of experts. How to do proper SEO and promote my gig?
  3. Hello everyone! Some time ago I published a gig on logo design and got an order after 1 day. I submitted the work at the specified time but the client was not online and did not see my message. After 3 days, money is automatically deposited in my account. Now the problem is, since then my gig's ranking is going down. And still no order received. What should I do in this situation? My gig link is- https://www.fiverr.com/s/ByXqrz
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