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  1. Things happen but the nice thing is if you cant make the time they will have a recording available on friday
  2. The emails and save event to my calendar said 10am EST but now inside zoom it says 11am just in case others are wondering https://youtu.be/IvMNb5MADKE
  3. waiting for webinar and its 12 minutes late from starting or is it me?
  4. I hope it covers how to get your status back after you have someone do black hat on it that you lose your status like we did. We had 9 buyers buy then within minutes cancelled. it after us and I had 2 tech support people say nothing they could do. Last person fixed it but then fiverr new system had us back down again. tech support hasnt responded since 🙃
  5. webhoo

    Fiverr support

    that's a relief because I have the same lack of response and thought it was me
  6. why do you want a new account? having it that old gives you credibility that have are familiar with fiver.
  7. welcome...I just looked at your profile and you have great gigs. I'm sure you do well. beast wishes. If you are looking to do well in the english speaking market make video or audio of you speaking overlaid video of your work.
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