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  1. Fiverr must be out of their god damn mind really lol. You guys closed #10167939 and #10167791 as solved without putting in a response. And My profile of course doesn't work, because I cannot send any message to gig sellers.
  2. Thanks for doing that. That makes a total of 3 tickets waiting in queue for Fiverr's customer service response. 😉
  3. Well I don't see an option for that. Only option present is to raise Customer Support Requests. Never used that before, as my tickets used to get response on time, and last ticket I used was 6 months back I guess.
  4. 16 days back or so. I was laughing like anything that they decided to verify me after spending so much on Fiverr, and not before that.
  5. That's why I joined their forum finally after 2.5 years on Fiverr 😄 I do see merit in sending them DM on social media. It would be interesting to see what excuse they come up with. 😄
  6. Interesting point. I would do that, if they respond to ticket lol. 48 hours, and they have not even acknowledged the ticket. I can understand if it's weekend, but in middle of weekday?
  7. I have been a Fiverr buyer with over $5000 spend on fiverr (maybe even $10,000 haven't calculated total). On Fiverr Select/Pro, and Customer Support Requests are pending for over 48 hours. For folks who don't know, Fiverr Select/Pro their response time is suppose to be 2 hours. This is on top of the fact they have disabled my id for some stupid identity check, which their partner keeps saying cannot validate due to photo issues, doesn't matter how many times we submit it. Anyone else running into this? I am beginning to feel, I should just take my money out from wallet and go to competitors, as neither the quality of Fiverr is what it used to be, nor the customer support.
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