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Everything posted by aqsariaz540

  1. please give me a suitable method to promote gigs/profile on Pinterest in a legal way and without affiliate marketing
  2. Which one is more likely to get Fiverr briefs: Old or new sellers
  3. In WordPress what one is better option to work with: Avada or Elementor
  4. I listen this words many times but I did not understand it properly what is this Can anyone explain it easily
  5. After how many days, i should update or edit gig
  6. As a new seller, which type of keywords I should use in my gigs: If I use low-competition it will not come in search and my gig will not be paper But when I use high-competition keywords, I face too much competition
  7. I want to know that when we change our gig images on a daily basis, is it create a negative impact on the profile
  8. can we ask to send a reference website link, What type he likes?
  9. How to understand the pain of clients Actually, what is he saying? In Fiverr, client is most important how can we can give importance to them
  10. Can we use simple in gig description to create attraction
  11. It's too high competition in the Website category, how to rank my website on fiverr
  12. What is a custom order? Guide me I am new on Fiverr. I want to get information before attending any customer so I will not get stuck in any problem
  13. As a new seller when I place my gig in low competition keyword, it will rank only in one condition when buyer search such specific niche, but when I use high competition keyword so there will be a lot of competition and there is no chance of seeing of my gig due to greater number of services, except in online status
  14. When there is excessive traffic on the gig, is it create a negative impact on my profile because of not getting orders?
  15. There are many ways to design a gig but I notice that when I make a gig through Canva, it includes already build templates that many sellers are already using and it does not create any further difference to my gig. Can any TRS give me suggestions: How can I make my professional eye-catching gig?
  16. The new updates of Fiverr got changed this platform and I think that Ai will be best for new freelancers like me to rank their gigs due to its automatic chat features, which pick out the right freelancer according to the requirement
  17. I think it's a great idea to share on social media and get traffic, but some rumors in my mind stop me from doing this further.
  18. Can we directly share the link of my gig to Pinterest or any other platform?
  19. How can we increase gig marketing? Can u suggest some ideas?
  20. Can we promote our gigs on Pinterest? Is it safe just because of excessive traffic?
  21. I did not have any experience with repeated buyers but I got learned that when we saw the repeated buyer option on someone's gig, it creates attraction for new buyers to place an order
  22. I want to know about the process of Fiverr, how our gig is promoted on this platform by performing daily updates
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