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  1. Thanks Lena, You have always been very cooperative My account is normal now, Thanks to all fiverr staff and customer support.
  2. Hi, Fiverr Community and fiverr staff Hope so you will be doing good. As a context I want to tell you that 2 days ago there was an unauthorized attempt to reset my password( I recieved an email), about which I informed customer support, so they temporary disabled my acccount as security measures although it was not a big issue. But my gigs got denied(stopped), as a result my level system was not showing and suddenly my account got flagged after 24hours of report (without any reason) inbox messages restricted and also my payment withdrawl was blocked, but yesterday my account got fully re-activated. The main thing is that I have not recieved any email regarding flagging of my account, out of level system without any reason.I have never gone against TOS Of Fiverr and always liked to serve my services safe, secure and honestly here. I just recieved that you are slipping your stats (obviously it was due to temporary disabling) and then I recieved you are not eligible for LEVEL 2. I am confirmed that this flagging is just due to temporary disabling, because I have never ever gone against the TOS of Fiverr, but now CS should give my all stats back to me, my gig ranking, my score (i.e 9) , my account Level (i.e 9). I reported about my concern of account security but doing flagging of my account, dropping my level and stats is not good, and am also not getting any response from 36+ hours. My account is re-activated 24 hours ago(approx) but not any reply from CS. Please grant my stats back what they were before that hack/password attempt. And I am not getting any reply from fiverr customer support. Now everything is secure and safe, then please normalize my account, I have done alot of hardwork in doing so and reaching to level 2, even I was eligible for Top rated. I know that only CS can solve my issue, and I believe they will but My request is to Fiverr Staff that please remind them about my issue, to remind them that my account should be back to normal level at which it was before. As its very stressful and depressive. Thanks, hoping to listen from you soon, because its giving tension in my mind. Hopefully you will understand. Thanks
  3. Yeah Pyoneer is all fine now But now hacker is moving towards fiverr, he has attempted to change the password
  4. Hi, dear community Yesterday My payoneer account got hacked, hacker changed gmail so I was unable to login into itbut somehow I managed to recover. And I was now chill, but now about 10min ago I recieved fiverr password change request mail, it mean that someone requested to change the password, I dont why its happening. My account was hacked about 7-8months before also, can someone give me an honest advice and the support team help me to save my account Thanks
  5. Did you got any update? And did you do anything in this regard?
  6. Hi, My account was hacked and an order was placed without my consent, hacked sent spam messages to my client. But I noticed it and sent a ticket to fiverr C.support. They canceled that order and told me that they were disabling my account temporarily to look into it. After that they asked to confirm the verified phone number with Fiverr, security questions, and withdrawal method ID, I sent them all the things in that Ticket. They asked my ID verification by CNIC and Selfie, I did, My account got verified. But after that It has been 4 days from hacking, there is not any update, my gigs are denied, inbox is restricted, account is temporarily disabled. That disputed ticket is open but has not reply from CS after asking about verification , but the other tickets that I sent are answered by bots( Your account is under review) What should I do? Just wait?
  7. Hi, I have recently matched the criteria of a level 1 seller, so on the next evaluation I would be a level 1 seller. So yesterday( the day when I completed the level 1 seller requirement) I checked the keyword on which my gig was ranking on the 1st page in the 1st row, and I was shocked that my gig was not there, even my gig is just vanished or absent from that keyword. It's very strange, that before that my impressions were 300-400 but they come to 150+ something, and today I just received 47 impressions. One more thing is that the gig has 8 orders in queue. So what can be the reason behind that?
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