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  1. Hello everyone! I know that this topic is commonplace here, but I would still like to here your opinion about the problem. I had a client reach out to me about a large scale design, in which I was to do a fairly small part of. After discussion, we agreed upon a certain scope, price and time and waited for their reply of confirmation before placing the order. They ignored the message, went ahead and placed the order. I know that clients have all rights to place orders, which isn't the problem here. They have increased the scope, more so than what we discussed. Leaving that, I went ahead and finished one part of the order (lets say the order is divided into 5 parts) for which I need approval to continue on to the next 4 parts of the order. I sent the draft and I received a message from them stating that I would receive further instructions the next evening, which didn't come either. Now, I have 12 hours to make a decision before the order is over. From what I have read, I can either: 1. Complete the 4 parts of the unapproved draft and submit it and go for revision if they come back 2. Submit the draft as deliverable and wait for their reply - (not advisable as its incomplete, but doing the 4 parts is wasteful anyways, as its subject to a lot of changes) 3. Complete whatever was the originally agreed upon scope and submit it 4. Go to resolution Centre stating that the buyer is unresponsive 5. Ask for extension (which i already did, no reply) What can I do here? I am in a dilemma, and I would like to ask on the platform here. Thank you
  2. Hello! Sometimes they can be spam buyers too. Did you check to see if they have a legit account? Did the buyer reach out to your specific services or did they just send a generic cut copy paste message?
  3. Yes, I understand that they may be busy. But how was their communication so consistent before? I have read that if an order is automatically marked as completed, we won't be getting reviews for the same? Should we just deliver the unmodified details for the other order if the client never responds?
  4. Hi fellow fiverrs! I started my fiverr career not long ago as an interior designer, and I received 2 order simultaneously. I knew that I would be able to complete both on time, which I did. Both the clients were very consistent with communication and happy with all the work, and I completed one order after finalizing the design. But, strangely the client came back online once and neither did they review the order (the order is being completed automatically today). I have no idea why they have not communicated after that, since the client was really excited about the project. The other order is due 2 days from now, this client didn't come back either as he was required to consult about modifications. I gave a follow up message, but no reply either, which without I can't move forward. I do want to give them benefit of the doubt, as many incidents can happen that may cause them to not to follow or reply. But as I have no idea, I am asking the people here. What do you do in these situations? Does it happen often? Would love to hear your experiences and opinions!
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