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Everything posted by apolygons2

  1. since when is there a skill gap here. If my profile was not approved for one of these reasons, I know it's 5. there is also a small chance of it being 3, but I doubt it. I have seen much much less professional looking gigs be approved. but if it is 5 or even 3. why the hell does it not tell you, and why the actual hell do you loose the ability to even attempt to create a new gig? they can just say "your gig was not approved due to low quality" which then In response you could make the gig better or alternatively make a completely new gig.
  2. wait so is this what went wrong for me too? I wanted to make the account on a new email, but I made sure to delete/deactivate the other account before doing so. I understand that you can't have 2 accounts, but is it really against their terms to make a new account after deleting the old one? so does that mean if you delete an account you can just never ever, become a seller again?
  3. ok but why? and how do I make sure it doesn't happen again? as frustrating as it would be, I CAN make another account... but I need to know what went wrong to avoid this happening again.
  4. this is the account btw, it might be helpful in answering my question: https://www.fiverr.com/apolygons2/make-your-youtube-thumbnail-or-banner?gig_id=322146413&utm_content=&utm_term=&view=gig
  5. So, I just finished making my account a few hours. and made a very simple portfolio, for "thumbnails". everything in it, is 100% made by me, they are all used on my actual youtube channel. my seller profile was up for only a few hours, until I got the message. "your seller profile was not approved" now the problem is. I actually have done NOTHING yet. no one has contacted, and I have contacted no one. I contacted them about this, asking over and over to get at the very least a possible reason, and this is what I got: "Hi there,Thank you for reaching out to us about this issue. We understand you tried to open a Seller profile on Fiverr, and received our response explaining your request wasn't approvedUnfortunately, this decision can’t be changed.Your seller profile wasn’t approved, but you are welcome to continue using Fiverr as a buyer.If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.All the best," which is the biggest nothing burger I have seen in my life. what the actual hell am I meant to do with this? I already sent another message asking again, but I want to know if someone has had a similar problem. at first I thought, maybe making thumbnails is not acceptable, but then I searched for it and there are dozens of that exact gig. I am completely lost here. please help me out.
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