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Everything posted by carlavoice

  1. Hi again! Sometimes I am asked to do VO in different lenguajes or a variety of voices (older, children, male...) and I would love to be able to have in my profile gigs with in collaboration with other VO profiles in the platform that I find are great fit, so I would be able to offer more possibilities. You used to have something like a STUDIO profile am I wrong? Is there a way to do this collaborative gigs?
  2. Hi! I do Voice Over. I usually have people asking "how much for this script" and when I tell them how to do it by themselves I loose oportunities/clients. When I click "Create an offer" I can´t insert the number of words to get the price calculation and send the quote (specially complicated through the phone) I have to access to my gig page as a buyer to insert the words and then prepare the offer. Is there a way to do it easier?
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