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  1. Countering Scam Attempts on Sellers: Any Plans? Hello Fiverr Community, I've noticed a troubling increase in scam attempts targeting sellers lately, and I'm sure many of you have experienced similar issues. As a dedicated seller on Fiverr, it's becoming increasingly concerning how frequent and sophisticated these scams are getting. I’m reaching out to see if there are any plans or strategies in place by Fiverr to combat these scam attempts or if anyone has at least some information or news on this topic. The lack of communication from Fiverr itself is starting to feel concerning. Any insights or updates from the Fiverr team would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, if any fellow sellers have tips or have successfully dealt with scam attempts, please share your experiences. BR, Dario💯
  2. Absolutely true, I've recently started here on Fiverr and so far I just got bombarded by scam messages, they absolutely need to do something, definitely getting out of hand.
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