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Posts posted by ntrxmusic

  1. 47 minutes ago, jenithmusic said:

    Exactly same thing happened to me...level 1 to 0 de promoted...i thought they will increase the SS after the evolution 😔..but I got only de promotion... totally frustrated and the anger is increasing while seeing the SS...and i can't see my level system in Mobile dashboard...what does mean?...

    All we have the same problem sadly, this just affect a lot in the mental health, fiverr just get out all the good buyers from the page... 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, logo_wizard1 said:

    Seguramente puedo ayudarte.

    No existe una clasificación establecida en el sistema de búsqueda de Fiverr, ni se garantiza a los vendedores una ubicación específica en los resultados. El algoritmo brinda a todos la oportunidad de ser visto, única para cada búsqueda y de acuerdo con los factores algorítmicos relacionados con la persona que realiza la búsqueda.


    Quizás ahora sea un buen momento para buscar algunos de sus clientes objetivo, contarles sobre sus búsquedas (es decir, marketing efectivo) y presentárselos, en lugar de esperar que Fiverr se los proporcione a todos sus clientes. El marketing y la promoción son cosas que todo buen profesional independiente debe estar dispuesto a hacer por su cuenta. Eres la única persona responsable de tu éxito.

    Man you reply don't have sense haha, like the 80% of the people in Fiverr now is having problem with the Fiverr level system, and not is because ''He isn't looking clients'' basically since Fiverr implement the level system, people with more of 500 reviews positive and with a lot of gigs, we disappear of the marketplace by Fiverr that put our level success score in 4, I also have that problem. You can compare your profile with the my and you'll see my +400 review positive 5 stars, and my gigs simply don't appears. If Fiverr is responsible for helping us appear on the lists, marketing is useless in this case, lol. 

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  3. Hey man, I'm having the same problem, I was a seller with 60 orders monthly, and this month 10, and they are from returnal buyers, they disappear all my gigs from the marketplace, because they put me in the level 4 of success score, so I don't know how they want that we improve if we don't get orders... I already give it up with this, this is my main job but simply I don't get something that give me a good new in Fiverr

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  4. Hey guys a question, I'm super tired with this new system because my gigs simply don't show, and I'm working with my returnal clients and they're leaving incredible reviews, and my success score keep in 4, Fiverr at least should add a % to know if we're improving in my opinion... I would like to know if someone else was able to improve the success score these days. Thanks! image.png.c4e0eab4528baeccc8701f3c1f2bc8a7.png

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  5. If I had a busines/company, I would make sure that my employees didn't suffer mentally from my bad decisions, and I would maintain their trust 100%, and even more so if I have been working with them for years :). That's very important for the success, because if you take only bad decisions and make to the people feel bad each 2 months, your business/company just will drop a lot and you will lose credibility

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  6. 33 minutes ago, virgoca said:

    Te siento hombre. Aunque sí me siento algo traicionado por esta actualización. Cuál puede ser mi problema por tomar esto como algo personal, pero claro, corro el riesgo de perder mi principal fuente de ingresos si me salgo de la línea aunque sea por un segundo. Caminando sobre cáscaras de huevo (¡como autónomo!). 

    Soy dibujante de cómics y vengo de un país muy subdesarrollado (República Dominicana) donde decir que quieres ser artista es una buena forma de acabar sin hogar. Tratar de entrar en una industria que está tan saturada, ver cómo hay un millón de artistas aficionados que quieren ser la próxima gran novedad, para empresas que literalmente no pueden darse el lujo de contratar más personas de las que ya están empleando (como DC o Maravilla).

    Fiverr me permitió no solo comenzar a trabajar haciendo lo que realmente quería hacer desde que era niño, sino que también me permitió ganar lo suficiente para vivir de ello y mantener a mi familia (al menos según el estándar de mi país, considerando que lo que sería el salario mínimo en los EE.UU. está MUY por encima del promedio aquí, lo que me ha permitido vivir relativamente cómodo). 

    Como puedes imaginar, he hablado sobre fiverr con casi cualquier persona que quisiera escucharme en la comunidad artística local aquí, e incluso he sido mentor de un par de personas que ahora también viven exclusivamente de sus conciertos en esta plataforma. Este se perfilaba como mi año más importante a nivel profesional hasta ahora después de haber conseguido el proyecto a largo plazo más grande en el que jamás había soñado trabajar hace apenas un par de meses... y luego aparece esta actualización y me envía a una caída libre sin fin de desesperación por lo que traerá el mañana. No sé si me despertaré mañana sin tener más una cuenta, o habiendo perdido mi nivel y reputación que he trabajado duro para construir y mantener durante la mayor parte de 3,5 años. Tuve suerte y la actualización no me afectó personalmente tanto como a otros, pero ¿por cuánto tiempo? ¿Cuánto tiempo podré seguir haciendo lo que sea que estoy haciendo “bien” si ni siquiera sé qué es? O cuánto tiempo hasta que tenga una mala experiencia con un cliente que sea suficiente para desplomar todas mis métricas de un solo golpe. Me hace sentir mal por las personas a las que he ayudado a crecer aquí y me da miedo por la seguridad de mi trabajo, y ahora estoy investigando alternativas por si acaso. 

    I feel you, I'm from Venezuela and I'm a DJ and Mashuper/Remixer and in this industry is super saturated and Fiverr help me to grow here a lot, and this is my only income, and I'm now in 0, so I'm super worry about this, I hope Fiverr can improve this... A lot of people work on this since years and this is our unique job 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, exdesigns said:

    Under the new level system, my seller level is 0. Will my promoted gig feature drop after March 14th? 🤔

    That's right brother, all the people that get level 0, just will have access to have gigs in the platform without nothing, and even you can't get your gigs visibly. I have that problem, just I didn't gets more clients anymore since 1 week for this bullsh*t of update 


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  8. 1 minute ago, ahunyady said:

    @Kesha I'm having trouble understanding why the feedback rating of 4 “very good” (emoji is smiling with rosy cheeks) is below the performance threshold for remaining a seller on the platform?

    Also I don't understand that, I have my 6 gigs with 4 success score, all with the same problem, and they want me to improve that, but they disappear my gigs of the marketplace, how I can improve if the people don't buy?. Just I have my return buyers, and is impossible to improve the score in just 1 month with return clients 


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  9. 2 minutes ago, anakin008 said:

    This is hilarious at best. I'm in the same situation, like probably thousands of sellers.

    My client's feedback emphasizes my knowledge, efficiency, and communication, yet my Gigs are having a negative impact on those areas. That makes no sense at all.

    Okay, maybe client X's public feedback was "great job!" and private feedback was "okay job," but it's ludicrous to think somebody who has publicly shared a 5-star review and tipped you had an awful experience and left negative private feedback.

    Also, there's no transparency whatsoever. "Negative Impact," "Effective communication," "Client satisfaction" are all very subjective terms. How can satisfaction be quantified equally for a gig like "I will solve your problem" versus a gig in the creative space, or performance marketing, sales, etc.?

    I feel like we are in Orwell's 1984, and those guys are the Thought Police.

    I saw some guys here with a 9-success score. How is that even possible? It's either a huge volume of orders or a very predictable outcome job. Otherwise, with this system, it makes no sense.

    Plus, "work in progress" - what does that even mean? After 60+ 5-star reviews, from 60+ orders and receiving a tip every one or two orders, I'm now in a situation where I have no idea what's wrong, how to fix it, and when a new "evaluation" will be made.


    The next evaluation is the 14th March, so we have 1 month to ''fix that'' 😒

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  10. 1 minute ago, radennorfiqri said:

    Private Feedback is annoying, most regular buyers wouldn't waste time on this except for those who want to give negative feedback, thus skewing the overall impression. Defining the score solely based on private feedback is injustice and totally unfair.

    That's what I mean a few pages before, the private rate simply works for the people who want to give a negative review, because the usual and good customers they just invest to leave the public review, they don't want to spend 5 minutes doing a full review lol

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  11. 6 minutes ago, radennorfiqri said:

    Nahh I will just let these two images talk. Such a nonsense.

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 081139.jpg

    Screenshot 2024-02-15 081213.jpg

    Yep, that's how fiverr now works, I have the same problem, 420 reviews positive and I have a client satisfaction in negative impact :). And all the 5 stars review are super incredible, so this simply don't have sense, this new thing of Fiverr just don't works, there are more users affected than beneficiaries lol  


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  12. Fiverr this last years just give all the benefits to the clients and never help to the seller that is the main guy, because if they don't have sellers, the page don't is able to exist, we pay 20% of fee for each sell, they include a new categories in the review ''VALUE FOR MONEY'' and a client just put ''4 stars'' in a gig of 5$, wtf that don't have sense. How you can put a ''VALUE FOR MONEY'' in a gig of 5$ don't have nothing of sense. 1 review public and 1 private, why they do that, why they don't put all in just 1 review? is how if you go to a restaurant and they ask to review 2 times, lol. Fiverr was a good one but with all this, the good sellers will go out. 



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  13. 40 minutes ago, louisthevoice said:

    He notado que en todos mis conciertos tengo un impacto negativo en la comunicación efectiva. Lo hago aclarando cualquier pregunta de antemano y haciendo todo lo que se indica en su explicación de la puntuación de éxito. Como hago locuciones, no hay  necesidad de establecer hitos, etc. Solo pregunto sobre ciertas palabras y su  pronunciación, aclaro todo lo que necesitan (por ejemplo, si necesitan masterización o no), grabo y entrego. 


    También recibió casi solo calificaciones de 5 estrellas, lo que demuestra la satisfacción del cliente. 


    ¿Alguien tiene el mismo problema?

    Also happen to me in ALL GIGS, MY 6 GIGS HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM AND LITERALLY I HAVE 490 REVIEWS +500 And always try to keep an awesome communication with the client lol 

    • Like 9
  14. 3 minutes ago, smork said:

    Esperando que llegue esta última actualización de pesadilla.

    Aparentemente tengo 8/10 y soy deslumbrante.


    Sin embargo, mantengo y siempre he mantenido un promedio de 5 estrellas con críticas entusiastas por todas partes.

    ¿Supongo que se trata de reseñas privadas tremendamente injustas y profundamente insidiosas y algún cliente descontento me ha atacado en privado? El soporte técnico realizó un par de cancelaciones para clientes problemáticos.

    No me dicen qué es y la forma de mejorarlo es alguna tontería genérica enlatada sobre ser un "mejor vendedor", suficiente para volver loco a alguien honestamente.

    He sido TRS desde 2015 y siempre mantuve un nivel superior de servicio, por eso me recompensan amenazándome con degradarme. Maravilloso.

    Literally that what's happen to me, I was a seller Level 2 and Fiverr just dropped me to 0, almost all my reviews was excepcional, the people give me 5 stars and reviews with more of 200 characters positive, and fiverr justput me all my gigs as ''Client Satisfaction - Negative Satisfaction'' simply I don't get sense to this. I can be sure that I had 2 clients last month who gave me a negative rating because they gave me 4.3 on fiverr, and they were clients who complained about everything, but other than that all my clients are satisfied



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  15. 12 hours ago, mahmoudothman7 said:

    I have thr same problem but Indians get a reply from customer support 3 days now

    Yes they take almost 3 days to reply and when they reply, just say ''we can't do something about this, you need to wait'' lol, they never give a good experience to the seller, always priorize the buyer and don't think in the sellers

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  16. 1 hour ago, shuvo_va said:

    Sometime Fiverr low quality gig disappeared from search. You can edit your gig and make it better.

    Check this gig guidelines articles:



    My 6 gigs disappear, and the quality was very good, I believe if they just remove one, or two, but 6? that is what I mean, don't have sense 

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  17. Hey guys, since 3 days ago my gigs disappear from fiverr, all of them, I contacted the fiverr support and they just told ''you just need to wait, we can't do something about this'' and I don't understand, I have almost all my stars on 5. More of 410 reviews, 404 5 Stars, and almost top rated seller, someone happen to this in the past? 





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  18. Hey guys! since 2 weeks ago my impressions just dropped a lot!! this is my best gig and the impressions loss almost the 50%, I always get 100-110 and now just 50-55, I pay promoted gigs and all of that, I just tried right now changing the title, but someone else is experience this thing too?. I'm a bit worry. In November also happen this with Fiverr to other guys, so I'm thinking that we have better dates to sell 


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  19. Hey!! I just notice that since 3 days ago approximately my reviews are looking like this, and looks so cool this new function but I think is in beta, but someone more get this new ''function''?


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  20. The same thing happened to me, it had lasted about 2 weeks without having a good amount of order, and for some reason every weekend, Thursday or Friday, I have many orders, but the 2 times this has happened to me, some customer cancels the order. order when it's not my fault and I stop getting messages, it was on the rise until the customer canceled one of his orders



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  21. And since fiverr is also messing around with the promoted gigs, I don't know if they're having this problem, but 3 days ago my gigs stopped being eligible to promote them, then two days ago they came back, and now they're gone again, lol. And I haven't changed any gig info, and I've received excellent ratings, I definitely think this is one of Fiverr's worst times on bugs lol, and impacting hard to the people that depends only of Fiverr and as extra money



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  22. Has anyone else been told something different by support that could benefit us? haha, I was talking to them for two days and the last thing they told me was

    ''I checked your request again.  Your Gig impressions are dependent on many different factors, including your seller statistics, performance, and additional internal factors. 
    Fiverr does not guarantee impressions, clicks, or views for your Gig. Please note that Gigs may also be removed from our search feature due to poor performance indicators. 
    Unfortunately, there’s nothing else that can be done at this time.'' 


    And my drop was also quite high, I was making 2 - 3 sales a day and I haven't received a single order for 3 days lol, and it's my only source of income, big mistake by the way, depend only on Fiverr 😪

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