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Posts posted by aktharfarvees

  1. On 3/10/2023 at 3:50 PM, breals said:

    @aktharfarvees   You have been on Fiverr since December 2021 and have yet to get a sale. 

    So it frustrates me that you feel you can come to the forum and post content/advice written by a chatbot as if it was your own!

    I am also really concerned that you are using your linkedin profile to state that you're working for Fiverr as a UX desigener?  By working on a freelancer platform, it doesn't make you an employee of that company. 

    A little misleading don't you think? 



    Screenshot 2023-03-10 101546.png

    Thank you @breals


    I apologise for that, I jusj thought to put it as a freelancer at Fiverr but I didn't really want to mad people with fake details of me.


    BUT, I think you need to increase your good habits in public, because if someone wrong on public or something is wrong, don't spread those things over the public its not a good quality for a good human but if you really want to help something for that person you can contact in private, because everyone not a knowledgeable person like you, so keep it up! 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, am_thasneem4u said:

    hello bro,

    I had the same experience what you had . I messaged them in telegram and it goes good. finally they asked $35 as insurance . at that moment i got smelled that it would be a scam  . It was the first who contacting me for work . I was happy when i saw a message in my inbox . And i shared this experience to my friend. He told that there have a chance to fraud team and you should make the conversation in fiverr only , you don't the contact anyone in other applications . 

    I left that dirty team's work. after a few minutes i saw that the fiverr has blocked them . 


    so ,

    bro we should careful to do conversations between clients toward fiverr only.

    Thank you... 

    Yep bro, We want to still wait for a best one🙂

    • Like 7
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  3. Hello Everyone, 

    I'm Akthar Farvees professional UI/UX Designer, Web Developer front-end and Back-end, Good programmer, and I'm a BSE student, I'm doing as a part time freelancer at Fiverr since 31 days ago, so I would like to tell my journey on fiverr up to now. 

    Today is 20th of March, I posted my first gig at 30 days ago, but that time I was blinding about fiverr and fiverr gigs, I really didn't know about fiverr at that time. 

    I passed few days since the first gig i posted, and I creates second gig accordingly, suddenly I got a message from a person via fiverr inbox, I'm really happy at that moment if i want tell that moment in another word I don't have any words to describe at that moment because I was so happy and enjoying that moment.

    Then I asked to him "please give the detailed requirements of your project" then he said to me "please contact me via the telegram" so I didn't really know about that before, this platform not only for genuine persons. Becuas he is one of the sammer in Fiverr, but fiverr also trying to remove those accounts in fiverr good job. 

    So I worked him 2 days even night time also but after project submission I got to know he is scammer, I'm very disappointed at that moment and I was not feeling about my money I just feeling about me because I'm a joker at that moment for that scammer. It's ok past pass. 

    After that I passed some days then suddenly a Friday exactly 12:14 I got a mesaage from a "Fiverr Sellect" peraon. He said "Hello Akthar Farvees could help me for my UI/UX" and at that time i was offline but I already enabled the auto reply option so That person got an auto reply from my side then he asked please send your portfolio and he went offline but again I came online at 12:25 something and I seen that messages and I really happy at that time and I checked faster of thaf person profile and then I confirmed he is a genuine peraon and experienced buyer.  All are going well but the issue is I'm still not ready for the portfolio, I'm really sad that moment and I send my works as separately but I think he is not satisfied with my approach because I didn't give my portfolio, that's the big drawback of that orde, but it's ok because that's why I'm npw created a successful portfolio website for me so that's fine becuase I strongly believed all incidents happening for a reason. 

    After that I created more gigs in my profile, with i included full details. Now the total gigs I created is five but the sad thing is I still not getting any orders. 

    So, this my whole journey in Fiverr I don't know I covered all things or not but don't worry about that it's enough, becuas the story is going to large. 

    That's it, finally still I'm waiting for a good customer for me! 


    Try and try one you can fly! 


    Thanks All! 

    • Like 14
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  4. 2 minutes ago, intimealok said:

    I don't get any work for 3 months. Please help me how to get an order. My gig's impressions and clicks are decreasing regularly.

    please help me.


    @intimealok I'm telling from my point of view and popularly said points for some people in forum,


    First you need to check your gig very carefully, as each and evry phase you are going to creating a gig.

    check you title and compare other oldest sellers profiles based on your category, check the tags in your gigs is it suitable or not, give the details description of your gig becuase we can able to add 2000 characters as a gig description so don't put uncleared description of your gigs, because If I click your gig as a buyer then I need complete details of your work and how I need know how much experience in this field so accordingly I get from you description and your portfolio! 

    Concider the gig images, try to put your gig images as a current scenario, please check your seniors profile and see it how look like that gig image,becuase if you gig image like a different one from others then may be it will be increes your gigs click rate, and I'm not telling to you, go to copy that seniors work just it's a reference for you. 

    And some people said to me please online 24 hours, but i don't know about this, because I'm also tired in my starting stage but I'm no getting any orders, but you can ask this metter with seniors. 

    If you want you can set the Quick response message option but it's  based on your choice. 

    Don't worry @intimealok, give you best one day you will get an order, don't think like looser, you can do anything in this world! 


    Try and Try One Day You Can Fly! 


    Thank You! 


    • Like 11
  5. 2 minutes ago, nickj2013 said:

    Private reviews are just that. They're clandestine opportunities presented to buyers and clients to rate you and your work as a seller. Separate from the standard (star) review system. I think they're foolish myself. If I didn't like someone's services, I have the courage to rate them as so. Private reviews can flow so many different ways too. For example, if you bought something from someone on Fiverr, to help you with acquiring something else. And you weren't able to connect those dots and ascend to the next step with your project. You could just rate the seller poorly because the end game, didn't turn out like you wanted. 

    It's akin to buying flowers and candies from a shop. In hopes that they'll bolster your overtures towards a particular woman. And when you present them to her, along with your pitch for a date, she turns you down. So you surmise, that it must be the stores fault. The flowers and candy weren't good enough, or not of the quality she desired. So you leave them a bad review on the website. Instead of refining your pitch, which might've been lame, boring, unoriginal, and not enough to sway her interest. That's how dangerous private reviews can be for sellers.

    Thanks mate, I understood now! 

    • Like 4
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  6. I just heard about this word on fiverr forum, someone said "if your gigs suddenly deranged so there has a possibility for someone written a "bad private review" for your gigs, so I didn't understand about this what is private review 

    My gigs also suddenly deranked, so that's why I'm asking this question. 

    And could anyone please tell me, how much time to take for a new gig will oldest one? 

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  7. 2 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

    I'm pretty sure that was an AI generated response, meaning they didn't read your post. 


    Thank for you comment mam! 


    But I shared that post only for a good intention and also I'm a newbie in fiverr I really don't know about that rules before that's wht it's happened, but my intention is I would like to share a good thing with others that's why I shared that post mam otherwise I'm not a wrong person mam! 

    • Like 2
  8. On 3/17/2023 at 2:40 PM, uigenix said:

    I understand that you are frustrated that you haven't received any orders on your Fiverr profile despite creating five effective gigs. It can be challenging to get started as a freelancer, but keep in mind that it takes time and effort to build a client base.

    It's good to hear that you see Fiverr as a bridge to achieve your upcoming goals, and not just a means to earn money. As for the warning you received for sharing a Fiverr image with AI tips, it's essential to read and follow the platform's guidelines carefully to avoid any violations that may result in penalties.

    It's understandable that you were disappointed and even considered deactivating your Fiverr account, but it's great to hear that Fiverr customer service was able to assist you and that you decided to reactivate your account.

    I wish you the best of luck in your freelance endeavors and hope that you will receive orders soon. Don't give up, stay positive, and keep honing your skills and promoting your gigs to potential clients.

    @uigenix Thank you so much mate, I really motivated with your valuable words and I would like to thank for you, becuase you read my thoughts and story as top to bottom I'm really comfortable with you comment and once again thank you so much @uigenix for you valuable comment!

    And others share your thoughts with me because I really want you all valuable comments


    • Like 4
  9. Hello all, 

    I have now created 5 effective gigs in my profile, still I have got any orders, But you all can see my gigs, I'm sure, those gigs are very effective and very minimum prices I put compared other related gigs! I don't know why I'm not getting any orders yet! 

    But I would like to tell you, I'm currently pursuing bachelor of software engineering degree, my intention is not only earn money in this platform, (I know some of you will come to rise over your voice like 'so why you were come here this is not a playground' ) I'm seeing this platform as a bridge to achieve my upcoming goals! 

    And recently I got a warning in my profile that's what I have lost 4 levels for a single warning becuase I'm sharing a fiverr image with Ai tips but I don't know why i got a warning for that topic! When I put that topic before I read and checked clearly but that's so helpful for others that's why I'm sharing i don't know why i got the warning! 

    This is the reason I'm really disappointed and I went to deactivate my fiverr seller account 2/3 days ago after that i got a mail from fiver customer service and they were assists very well I love they assisting way and that's why im reactivate this account! 

    I genuinely said for you all, I have able to design for very cheapest and starting price so if anyone really want to design some web or mobile apps so please contact me because it is very help full for me, and I'll be getting much experience as a freelancer!

    • Like 14
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  10. 5 hours ago, fastadking said:

    Buyers can start a cancellation at any point during the order, but you must approve or deny it. Yes, some are ego freaks who want to give sellers a hard time. Others are trying to scam free work. And still others are accustomed to Walmart where returned products can be sold to another customer. Sorry, Fiverr sellers create bespoke one of a kind products that cannot be sold to anyone else. 

    Normally I politely ask the customer if we can get specific about what they don't like, then I try to fix it or re-do it. Reasonable buyers will work with you. Scammers keep clicking the cancellation button and the modification button demanding a cancellation. 

    In some situations, customer service will cancel the order, usually when the buyer initiates a charge back on their payment. In those cases, contact customer service and attach the work you did for the customer. They will usually credit the funds back to your account. 

    @fastadking Hi,

    really thanks for your valuable comment, and so helpful to me!❤️

    • Like 3
  11. 10 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    When they ask for your portfolio, share it using one of the approve URLs above, or give them actual files.

    Ah ok mam, thank you so much for your help and just now I read all privacy policy of Fiverr and special thank for you mam, because you are help to me many times when I fell down! 


    • Like 4
  12. 5 hours ago, vickieito said:

    @aktharfarvees - you didn't need to remove all of the Halal statements if you really do require it! Just a simple explanation to the buyer was all that was needed.

    I was hoping to see an explanation of what a Halal or Islam-permissible UI/UX design is. Can you explain here (I'm curious)?😊

    Yeh I clearly understood mam🧡

    Thank you so much! 

    • Like 2
  13. 5 hours ago, katakatica said:

    Fiverr isn't a video game, and if you follow advice that makes it seem as easy as a game, you're almost certainly bound to fail. 

    Affordable prices are great, but what ELSE can you offer to your customers? You use the same examples for all of your gigs. People might feel like they can't see enough of your portfolio or that that's all you can make. Maybe broadening that could help? 

    Fiverr isn't a -

    log in, get order for existing - type of website (no freelancing site should be.) You earn your customer's trust first. Making gigs that are similar to thousands of others doesn't help.

    What would I do if I were you?

    - Sit down

    - Look at your gigs from a buyer's point of view

    - Think about perhaps making your communication a bit better (aka your English). Take some quick courses on how to communicate in writing. 

    - Think about what you're selling. Is it REALLY unique and useful? Is it really only worth what you're selling it for?

    2 weeks without orders is a rocky start, but not unheard of, but only YOU can turn your luck around. 

    It's really good advice to me,I have no words to say😔,  hmmmm

    • Like 3
  14. On 3/3/2023 at 12:44 AM, vickieito said:

    Hi @aktharfarvees, your buyers may be confused by your statement here:

    This is in your bio and at the top of all four of your gigs you have:

     You also don't clarify what that means in your gig description and FAQ, so buyers may not be placing orders because they don't know if they would qualify as Halal.

    I only know about Halal foods and I don't know what would qualify as Islam-permissible UI/UX designs. Please explain that in your gig descriptions or FAQs so your buyers feel comfortable with placing an order with you.

    I currently wouldn't place an order because I don't know what Halal UI/UX designs are, and I would be afraid of offending you.

    Staying online will not get you orders - all you need to do is download the app so that you can respond right away when a message comes in.

    It is really helpfully to me mam, and i updated my all gigs descriptions and I got many ideas and informations when I asked a question with you,

    Thank you all, 

    And I have got an mesaage form one of genuine buyer and he asked me the portfolio but unfortunately I didn't portfolio at that moments so I really missed that client, I'm very sad about that and today I created a portfolio for my work! 


    • Like 3
  15. 8 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    Most serious sellers will attest to this, they receive orders when they are offline. This myth that you have to stay online was created by random sellers that had no success. So.. feel free to stay online if you want, but it won't bring any more attention to your account or gigs 🙂

    Aah alright I understood sir! 

    • Like 3
  16. On 2/27/2023 at 11:58 PM, znhira said:

    What is the reason for not more impression and clicks on fiverrs?

    I have got 522 impression and 12 click within 13days,

    I think should improve your gig images because gig images are more important for getting impression and clicks very easily and you can check the tags that are correct for your content.


    Then in sha allah you will get many impression and clicks easily. 

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