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Everything posted by adwordhridoy

  1. I have used 3 pics and 2 pdf in my gig. One of my pdf contains 7 images. But my pdf is showing the first image on gig. How can i solve this problem?
  2. What should I ask from buyer as requirement for Google Ads Campaign job? Thanks to all
  3. Can anyone kindly check my gig and give me some tips based on it. My gig link- https://www.fiverr.com/adwordhridoy/adwords-setup-and-manage-google-ads-ppc-campaign Thanks to all
  4. I have the same question. I am also on fiverr for about 2 month. I have 10 clicks. But no order yet.
  5. Is there anyone to help me who can share his/her experience and strategy of getting the first order on fiverr?
  6. I am a new seller. My impression is 50k but my click is only 10. And I am not getting messages. Why my clicks are not increasing? And how can I increase my clicks?
  7. Please, tell me details about Fiverr loan
  8. How can I get my first review on Fiverr as a new seller?
  9. I am new seller on Fiverr. My gig has good number of impression. But click is not satisfying. How can I get my first order on fiverr?
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