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Everything posted by chjahanzaib588

  1. Thank you @jellybeanhusky I completed 25 plus orders and it did not happened all of a sudden. I waited for 3 months and kept working. I sent messages to my old clients and offered them new features at cheap price. And now finally I am back in race again.
  2. Finally My success Score is 6 and Got level 1 badge. My gig is on first page and getting impressions and clicks now. Soon I will get Top Rated badge by providing attractive features in app.
  3. Yep , that's the only thing I can do 😂
  4. Thank you for your response on this. My flow of orders/earning is disturb too much. Only got orders from my old buyers. I did marketing on some social media platforms and got 2 or 3 orders from some new buyers with that but after that nothing. Do you have any idea like how long will it take for my gig to get back it's 20k impressions ?
  5. Hello Everyone ! Hope everyone is doing great. Today I want to share my fiverr experience with you guys. I started working on fiverr in 2019 and worked hard to deliver quality work. I got a lot of orders and got 5 stars and even though I have 84 % repeat business.I never took clients outside to fiverr and worked very honestly. When fiverr updated their system they terminated my account due to location inconsistency and then I contacted fiverr customer support and explained everything with proof and they gave my account back and I am thankful for their decision on merit then again after 3 days I got my account flagged without any reason and again I contacted fiverr support team and they restore my account. Now it's been 3 months I did not get any new client from fiver. My gig which was on first page, first row is now no where and have 0 impressions. I even completed 20 plus order with 5 star rating after that but those did not effect anything and I am really frustrate about this. Like if one client is giving you bad rating then it will beat your 100 clients with 5 star ratings. I am attaching the screenshot which is showing Order cancellation and effective communication. Even though I am unable to get rid of this as I have completed several orders with 5 star ratings. Now After struggling a lot I am feeling like I cannot see any way to rank my account back . I think it's dead now and I cannot do anything. If anyone of you know anything or can give me a tip to rank my account back then I would be grateful. @milos_siena Thank you !
  6. Thank you Milos . It's very hard but I am trying my best to make my gig searchable. I hope for better days ahead 😊
  7. Good day ! I was a level 2 seller. It's been 3 months that one of the buyer order and later he told me that he is not ready yet and want to cancel the order. I contacted the customer support and they cancel the order without effecting my order completion rate. But then after one or 2 days fiverr level system updated and My gig got vanished from first page. I was also able to see Fiver's Choice badge on my profile but it's been 3 months now I am unable to find my gig on fiverr and my success score was 5 and after one week it decreased to 3. I mean everything messed up when Fiverr launched the system level update. Now I am trying hard to rank my gig back by sharing that to social media platforms and I also got around 10 to 15 orders from my old clients and they all left 5 star reviews but still my gig is dead. I really don't know what is happening. I really need help. I have 4 star ratings from only 4 buyers which is very old. Five stars are from 350 plus buyers. Would fiverr ever rank my gig back ? What steps should I follow ? Would be grateful for suggestions. I was having Fiver's Choice badge for 3 days only before this mess happened and now I am zero on fiverr. If my gig won't rank back then how would I get new orders ? How would I make my success score 3 to 10 if I won't get orders. My gig Link : https://www.fiverr.com/s/ykyqkq Thankful for your guidance !
  8. Good day everyone! It's been 3 months that one of my client gave me 1 star and after that I have completed around 20 plus orders with 5 star ratings. But when fiver updated their system I lost my gig impressions. The gig which was having 20k plus impressions is now dead and having 1 or 2 impressions maximum per day. I did receive new orders from my old clients and got 5 star ratings from all of them. But gig is still dead and fiver is not ranking my gig back. Somehow my success score which was decreased from 5 to 3 all of a sudden is now increase to 4. But my gig still showing negative stuff as shown in attached images. one order was cancelled by fiver customer support before I lost my gig impressions because client was not ready yet and there was no effect of that order on my profile before we got fiverr level system updation. Any fiverr expert to help me here. I am really worried about this as I am a full-time freelancer on fiverr.
  9. How did you sort it out. I am having the same issue since 1st of January. My gig was having 20k impressions. Now it's just 300.
  10. I got a reply form Fiverr customer support that my account is flagged due to internet inconsistencies. I did connect my laptop with my mobile internet by switching on the hotspot. Seriously ?? is this the reason ?? What if seller is traveling to other city or country and they want to stay connected with their fiverr account ? This is something on which fiverr should work. Otherwise all sellers will get suspended from fiver in no time. Because freelancing means work from your comfort. There can be several issue due to which seller can connect to other network. Please fiver change this policy from your algorithm . We were working comfortably and honestly on fiverr and fiverr is very dear to us. But this policy is not in favour for anyone, either for fiverr , sellers or for buyers.
  11. Good day everyone! @ana_tomy On Saturday I got an email that your account has been flagged for false identity.it was depressing moment for me because fiverr was my only source of income and I worked hard to make my profile successful. I contacted the customer support and told them everything that I moved from one country to another. Then Today I got an email that your account has been restored. I was really happy to see that. Now again I am seeing Account Flagged on my profile. I am really worried and confuse that what's going on. Can anyone please help me or guide me what to do ? Please see the attached screenshot. Thank you !
  12. Thank you for the response @ana_tomy. I didn't violate any fiverr policy. I know fiver Terms of Service very well because I read those once in a month. That's why I am worried why this happened to me. How long do you think fiver team can take to review. Thank you !
  13. Good day Everyone! Since last month my impressions was decreasing continuously from 20k to 400 . And today my account got flagged for using false identity. I didn't open any other account. I am using one account since beginning. I didn't break any fiver rule. I have 5 star ratings from all of my clients. Anyone please guide me what should I do. I already open a request to fiver team that this is some misunderstanding and I am ready to provide proof if they want any. I am using my own projects for gig display and using my real image and identity. Regards, Jahan
  14. Good day @milos_siena Today my account has been flagged due to false identity. I don't know why this happened. I have only one account since beginning. All of my clients are happy with my work and returns to me for updates or with new orders. I didn't use anyone else gig images. My gigs have my work samples and images. Can you please tell me what should I do ? Also since last 2 months my impressions started decreasing All of a sudden from 20k to 400 per month. And today my account got flagged without any reason. Please help me out in finding a way. https://www.fiverr.com/users/chjahanzaib588/ Thank you !
  15. On searching service fiver is suggesting few sellers that they will deliver fast. How can I show my gig into that? Please see the attached screenshot for better understanding.
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