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Posts posted by anthjoyy

  1. @theratypist@vickiespencer @bondhon_wp Thank you so much for your responses! very very helpful info. I have attached the 4th and 'escalated' message which still didn't give enough against the gigs I've seen. For instance, I thought it was the words "write" or "rewrite". I stay away from using these words in the description as well.

    The strange thing is that if you were to search statement of purpose, you'll find currently 519 services available, many of them include the words "write" or "rewrite". I totally understand the terms of service for violating college, student, academic standards and I myself find them to unethical.

    That said, I have another gig with a very similar title and the impressions are very successful. Would love any help y'all have, though I fear that theratypist is right that I might just have to let this gig type go. Or move over to another platform, because it doesn't happen over there.

    Screen Shot 2023-01-04 at 2.11.18 PM.png

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  2. Hello, I'm pretty new on Fiverr, and I started to offer editing and proofreading services to Computer Science applicants who speak English as a second language. I created a few complimentary gigs and I immediately received 2 warnings. If I get another I will be kicked off the platform, or suspended.

    When I asked Fiverr support why the gigs were denied and warnings given, they just sent me a general article, and the more I asked, the less they told me.

    The problem is that there are hundreds of other gigs just like the one that I posted and I got warnings.

    Is there a way to find out exactly why I was given the warnings, or maybe someone has any advice?

    Thanks for your time,


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