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Everything posted by xotatech

  1. Hello, I have a questions. Please let me know if you have specific answer. I have 10-12 certificates of different courses. I want to mention all of them on fiverr certificate section. Now the question is, How many certificates can be added in fiverr certificate section? Is there any limitation? Thank you in advance.
  2. As far I know, a buyer can cancel the project after giving you a 5 star rating.
  3. Follow the instruction. If you do it in a proper way, you will get the ID back. If you face any issue, you should contact with fiverr support
  4. It indicates that your gig description is not attractive to the clients. Check other sellers gig of your category and try to improve your gig description. You can also offer something more that no one offering.
  5. Follow the instruction. If you do it in a proper way, you will get the ID back. If you face any issue, you should contact with fiverr support
  6. I got you now. Thank you very much for the explanation.
  7. May I know, what service you are offering on fiverr?
  8. Hi, vickieito. Thank you very much for your response. Can you please explain the image size like 2 page, 3 page height?
  9. Hello fellow sellers. I want to add my portfolio on my fiverr account but I do not know how many portfolio items I can add over there. Can anyone tell me the limit of uploading portfolio items? Thanx in advance.
  10. Hello, Fellow sellers. I am going to update my fiverr profile and don't want to lose my gigs current position. If I update my profile, how much time (in hours) it may take to reshuffle the algorithm and is there a possibility to affect my current position in a negative way. If I take multiple orders, can the new orders make my account stable or not? The last question is- should I get the new orders just after updating the profile or after reshuffle the position of my gigs? Thank you in advance for your valuable suggestions & feedbacks.
  11. Hello, Fellow sellers. I am going to update my fiverr profile and don't want to lose my gigs current position. If I update my profile, how much time (in hours) it may take to reshuffle the algorithm and is there a possibility to affect my current position in a negative way. If I take multiple orders, can the new orders make my account stable or not? The last question is- should I get the new orders just after updating the profile or after reshuffle the position of my gigs? Thank you in advance for your valuable suggestions & feedbacks.
  12. DId you try to promote your gigs on social media?
  13. You are right. But if these clients can help you to grow your business on fiverr, why should not use them as a resource?
  14. You Should response in a way that will motivate the client to respond you. I have got multiple orders from the briefs and I am saying it from my own experience.
  15. It can be a glitch. Wait for some time and then if it doesn't work then contact with fiverr support. By the way, did you deliver the project from the order page?
  16. Try to read some books regarding customer behaviour, human mind/nature, how to convince someone etc.
  17. Do social media promotion and satisfy your clients so that fiverr promote you in this platform.
  18. You can continue your work from anywhere in the world. It will not create any issue.
  19. I don't think so. As he is a level 2 seller, his is must be active to get the level 2 badge. Furthermore a level 2 seller knows, whether all of his gigs are active or not and here he said none of his gig found in the search result.
  20. Try to get some order from your social media promotion. Fiverr will automatically promote your gigs and you will get a good amount of impression and click which leads to new orders as well.
  21. Do not try to use any type of content from your previous account. As you are creating a new account, develop everything from the very beginning. It should be a fresh and unique account.
  22. Did you edit your gig, did not response a lot briefs, had a negative review or ordercancallation in recent days?
  23. Promote your gigs on social media and try to bring some local clients on fiverr. You will get some orders as well as reviews.
  24. Absolutely. For an example, I am your buyer and want to check your social media gig reviews before place an order. If I saw the logo design related review on your social media gig. It can create a negative impression about you and I may not place the order
  25. Can you please explain, why some one should do so and what should be the gap between 2 gigs?
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