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  1. Can I take voice notes using Whatsapp while buyer wants to order though fiverr but voice instruction send through whatsapp. fiverr allow it?
  2. Hello, Good day! I have a question for fiverr experts teams. today I will meet one client he works for real estate agents. He want to pay with fiverr order but he wants to send live voice notes using Whatsapp. he want to hire me full time and he send me 15-25 voice notes in a week. My question is Is fiverr allow us to receive voice note taking using Whatsapp? Is there any option to take live voice note using fiverr? I am confused. I have respect to fiverr rules that's why I am asking. can help me in this regards? If fiverr allow us to use Whatsapp to receive voice note then I will take order from the buyer. otherwise I will not take. Please help me .
  3. Now I know and identify spam messages or buyers.
  4. If any buyer ask or share personal information and tell communicating outside Fiverr. Those are spam. You can report on this.
  5. Frequently I am getting some spam message from spammer. how to identify that sometime it is so confusing to identify.. any one can please help me?
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