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Everything posted by brownsinteriors

  1. Attention Fiverr community! Over the past two months, I've noticed a significant decrease in orders and inquiries from buyers. Has anyone else experienced this? Let's discuss and share our insights to support each other through this challenging time.
  2. Asslamualykum everyone .. I have been working about 6 months on fiverr now level one seller. I got my first project on 3rd day from opening Coincidentally the buyer was Bangladeshi he told me ( if I am not available on fiverr plz knock me on WhatsApp 01...) I sent him ok check .. and when I complete 2nd project then another buyer asked me for my WhatsApp number then I gave my number to him. then I realize its violation …! I had an idea if from buyer side ask me for anything I can share. I got this wrong information from someone .. (Then all I shared with customer support and I told them I don't do again and I learned from my mistake I appolize for my mistake this types but when I asked them to ensure my future safety I want to be a life time member on fiverr they just sent me guidelines ) I want to be a life time member on fiverr so How secure is my account? I am worried about it. how can I secure my account …! what should i do now? Please help me . Thanks Aslam S.
  3. I didn’t get any single briefs 😢... What can i do?
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