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Posts posted by cmdgwu

  1. Your Gig Images are showing barcodes... this is crap. Order some Fiverr Images, there are good guys specialized on it. 

    You also should replace your profile picture, somewhat more friendly, professional. 
    Next I do not see any Courses / Certifications takes... nor Skills mentioned, nor Portfolio ...

    • Like 4
  2. See my own thread - I suspect that they are pushing out some kind of changing-roulette system—meaning if there are too many promotable Gigs some have to pause for a time period while others can be promoted. Also possible that they are taking into account the amount of impressions coming from outside - others perhaps are doing Google Ads on their Gigs, who knows. 

    • Like 30
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  3. 6 hours ago, ridwansugi said:

    "Why? They cannot tell - "internal information."

    I think it's because some of your client leave a bad private feedback for fiverr teams.

    Note that Buyer eligible to leave two review:

    1. Your Order Review.., (1-5 star rating) where everyone can see the star and the feedback.

    2. After Buyer leave the star review.., Fiverr ask one more time whether they actually satisfied or not .

    Note that some Buyer is kind enough to leave 5 star rate, eventhough they is not 100% satisfied.



    Well, as I said - I had no orders in the last few weeks, there can be no customer leaving bad private reviews. 

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  4. Hi UK1000 - thank you very much for your reply. Private Review is extremely unlikely since I did not have many orders the last weeks (thanks for not being promotable). I doubt that many customers do give private reviews later than one week after finishing the order.

    To me, it sounds more like they have some kind of rotation system if there are too many Gigs of the same topics... but this is just an assumption. 




    • Like 10
  5. 1. Sunday being upgraded to Seller 2 Level. 100% all Statistics, no Cancellations, 5* Reviews all over. Same day my main gig after 6 weeks still not being promotable.

    2. Yesterday suddenly the Gig is eligible for being promotable.

    3. Today - without any order, feedback, nothing in between - the Gig is suddenly again not eligible for Promotion.

    4. Asking the support - they can confirm that the Gig (which yesterday was eligible for support) today is no longer eligible. Why? They cannot tell - "internal information. Do not let you discourage!"

    WHAT THE F**K ?? 😡

    • Like 12
  6. 1. Sunday being upgraded to Seller 2 Level. 100% all Statistics, no Cancellations, 5* Reviews all over. Same day my main gig after 6 weeks still not being promotable.

    2. Yesterday suddenly the Gig is eligible for being promotable.

    3. Today - without any order, feedback, nothing in between - the Gig is suddenly again not eligible for Promotion.

    4. Asking the support - they can confirm that the Gig (which yesterday was eligible for support) today is no longer eligible. Why? They cannot tell - "internal information. Do not let you discourage!"

    WHAT THE F**K ?? 😡



    • Like 13
  7. On 3/8/2021 at 9:31 PM, anum_ananya said:

    Hello, I want to change my account phone to a new phone, I try putting the old number which is correct, I’m very sure of that but it keeps saying incorrect and try to contact the support No response

    Please has anyone come across the same issue what can I do please, Thanks

    Write the Support.

    If they do not answer within 48 hours... well, write them again and again. For 20% commission you should at least expect a working support.

    • Like 7
  8. 7 hours ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    Looks fine. Okay so how many relevant buyers contact you in a week ? and how many converted to orders ?

    Normally, our %60-70 earnings are based on repeat businesses.

    0.9 Conversion looks fine ??!

    Sorry but 2-3 should be normal. I would check the competitors Gigs.

    • Like 14
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    2 hours ago, jigraphicexpert said:

    @ridwansugi definitely you are right but PPC kills your organic growth i personally experienced that also de ranked your account I am writing this on behalf of a lot search on google. @ridwansugi And right now Fiverr take off PPC services from me please let me know when it will be return?

    I really do not understand you guys - how can someone wait here for 3 months?? If 3 months a company who charges 20% of even the tips is not promoting you, the only recommendation is to leave, it is as simple.

    To jigraphicexpert: There are many reports that it can take up several months until you can promote again, most probably one buyer did complain privately. The system sucks entirely. 

    • Like 12
  10. On 5/10/2022 at 2:41 AM, mariajlozada said:

    Good morning, I hope you are well and healthy!

    I was hardly worthy of having the "Promoted Gigs" activate this option, honestly despite my Gig being a Best Seller, this option raised my business and I honestly considered that the cost of it was 100% worth it.

    3 months ago, in February my Gigs were no longer eligible to be promoted, I think it had to do with 3 orders that I had to cancel due to a major reason: I had COVID-19, the Omicron variant and emotionally I spent days very low where I forgot to activate the Out of Office mood to avoid this problem.

    Months have passed today, my Gig with more than 400 positive reviews does not even appear on the first page of searches because of its good reputation... it is in the last pages, hopefully I receive 1 order every 2 weeks. 

    To this day, I have 100% response, compliance and rating, I still don't get my order back to what it was before...


    The same here, 2 complains in 78 5* Reviews orders and suddenly your gig is no longer promotable and you are f**** up. Going from 5K Impressions/day to 30 (!). Complaining several times at Customer Support - only copy and paste bullshit answers or even no answers at all.

    The only advice I can give you is leaving Fiverr (I mean, which company does charge 20% of tips, anyway) and try other ones like UpWork or Freelance.

    • Like 22
  11. On 11/12/2022 at 9:42 AM, greentyt said:

    I am speechless at the moment and I simply don't know if I can contact Customer Support with this. It's the first time something like this has ever happened to me. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to fix this problem or improve as seller on this disgusting platform that prioritizes their customers before the sellers and takes us a 20% fee.

    Kind regards,

    ( F.Y.I : My buyers can see the updates real time on their platform with my services, which means he could see any small detail 3D, it's not like I showed him a picture from a good angle and that's it )


    You can for sure contact Customer Support but they are pretty useless (and I really had a bunch of these issues the last couple of months). Buyer's Money stands over all. It is more or less a waste of time and energy.

    • Like 9
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  12. On 5/6/2022 at 10:21 AM, seo_sanjida said:

    Thank you so much 

    Most likely some of your buyers did give bad private reviews to Fiverr. That happens - those kind of a******** do give you 5* publicly but 2* privately. Sometimes it is the competition or simply clients who are too stupid to realize that they cannot get what they want.

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