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Everything posted by lei_ghton

  1. I wasn’t being inconsiderate in the first place. I never demanded a reply - so the patronizing tone was completely uncalled for. I joined the forum to find an answer to whatever is happening with the buyer requests, and I have tried every way to become a ‘more successful seller’ and it has never worked. Buyer requests are the only way I can get clients. Don’t assume you know everything about a person based on their ‘forum personality’ lmfao. Your tone was unnecessary. Bye.
  2. Yes - obviously I’m questioning it. It isn’t affecting all users, and it isn’t affecting my laptop. So clearly there’s a glitch. Is it really so shocking to you that Fiverr’s technology is not 100% perfect at all times? Lol. It’s affecting a very small amount of users, as I struggled to find many people reporting it. Also - it has been ongoing for over a month, that is not normal. So no, you didn’t ‘provide’ me with an answer at all.
  3. This isn’t right - I’ve been experiencing this issue for over a month now as well, no one else is experiencing the issue. If Fiverr was indeed making this ‘makeover’ it would come up for everyone, but it isn’t. The graphic doesn’t show up on my laptop, but I don’t have access to my laptop a lot of the time during the day. This is clearly an issue with some sellers and Fiverr needs to sort it out. If anyone has an answer, please tell me. Thanks.
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