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  1. I'm a Level 2 seller (graphic designer) who has been working on Fiverr since 2020. When I first started on the platform, even without a significant number of reviews, I averaged 15-20 orders each month. As the years went by, this number increased until I was consistently receiving 25-30 orders. 2023 was my best year so far, as I made a good profit from my work as a graphic designer and ended the year with a total of 540 reviews. However, once 2024 began, I noticed a huge and concerning drop in my gig impressions and clicks, it felt like going from 20k impressions in a week to 1k, and then down to just 300. I know many of you would advise me to change the gig images, tags, and description, but none of these strategies seem to be working for me. I've been making these adjustments every two months and have tried almost everything to improve my gig's ranking. However, it seems like the algorithm is heavily favoring new sellers, making it difficult for established sellers to maintain the same level. I also tried increasing my daily budget on the Promoted Gigs feature, going from $5 to $50, but that didn’t work either. I switched the CPC from a customized cap to auto, but that also didn’t yield results. Now, this feature has only spent $0.25 in 8 days, which is ridiculous because it should be spending more than $20, or at least $10, to generate new orders! I can’t push my old, successful gig any further, so I’m considering creating new gigs and trying to rank them instead. Has any veteran seller on the platform experienced a similar situation and found a way to overcome it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  2. Thank you! 🙌 I'll do my best in the next couple of months. It's just driving me crazy to see my gig which I've been working on since 2020, fading so rapidly! I never thought I would see those numbers.
  3. Hey everyone, I've been struggling lately to get more impressions and clicks! Even though I deliver great work and the reviews are just perfect, except for one review I received with 2.7 stars because the buyer wanted to get work for free. I've tried to upgrade the gig multiple times, changing the keywords and gig images twice in the last 3 months, but it keeps getting worse! I'm also promoting my gig with a daily budget of $10 and automatic CPC. I used to get 2-3k impressions every week, but now I'm at 400-600. My gig has more than 500 reviews (⭐⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐), and I'm just confused! Am I doing something wrong here?
  4. Thanks I'll try that
  5. I'm confused about how my order completion rate decreased from 100% to 98% even though I had only canceled one order, and it was not initiated by me. Despite completing 100 orders before canceling just one, my completion rate still dropped, which seems peculiar to me. 🙁
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