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Everything posted by kevin_etugala

  1. Violation of Fiverr's Terms of Service
  2. $0 with a negative review. Many sellers will leave this platform. It is important to maintain Fiverr's quality, but fairness must be ensured for both buyers and sellers. Fiverr often favors the buyers, forgetting that their platform relies on sellers. Without sellers, there would be no buyers on Fiverr. I am very disappointed about this.
  3. https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services
  4. It's best to contact Fiverr's customer support for further clarification. They will be able to review the details of the cancellation and provide you with more information about why it occurred. Explain the situation to them and provide any relevant order details or communication with the buyer. Fiverr's support team will assist you in understanding the reason behind the cancellation and guide you on any further steps that need to be taken.
  5. I had a gig to sell cloth packs for FiveM servers, but recently my gig was removed for offering prohibited services by Fiverr. I had been selling this for a long time, with over 30+ five-star reviews. I checked the relevant article and couldn't find anything specifically about game assets. Consequently, I contacted Fiverr support, and this was their reply. Can anyone explain what the reason is?
  6. Never give up. Yes, you can post on any kind of social media and It definitely helps you to get ranked on Fiverr. It will help to increase your gig clicks and impressions
  7. Try to improve the consistency of your gig's appearance in search results, consider the following actions: Optimize your gig: Ensure that your gig title, description, and tags are relevant to your services and include keywords that potential buyers are likely to search for. Provide high-quality services: Deliver your work on time, provide excellent customer service, and strive to receive positive reviews. Positive feedback can help boost your gig's visibility. Promote your gig: Share your gig on social media platforms, professional networks, or other relevant online communities to increase its exposure and attract more potential buyers. Stay updated: Keep an eye on Fiverr's updates and guidelines to understand any changes in algorithms or policies that may impact your gig's visibility. Good luck 🥰💗
  8. Creating multiple accounts on Fiverr using different email addresses is against their policies.
  9. Clear your browser cache: Sometimes, accumulated cache data can interfere with website functionality. Clearing your browser cache can help in resolving such issues. Try a different browser: Switching to a different web browser can help determine if the issue is specific to the browser you're currently using. Popular alternatives include Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Disable browser extensions: Browser extensions or plugins can sometimes conflict with website functionality. Temporarily disable any extensions you have installed and try publishing your Gig again. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Try accessing other websites to verify if the issue is specific to Fiverr or if it affects other sites as well. Contact Fiverr support: If none of the above steps resolve the problem, it's best to reach out to Fiverr's customer support directly. They can investigate the issue further and provide you with specific assistance.
  10. Clear your browser cache: Sometimes, accumulated cache data can interfere with website functionality. Clearing your browser cache can help in resolving such issues. Try a different browser: Switching to a different web browser can help determine if the issue is specific to the browser you're currently using. Popular alternatives include Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Disable browser extensions: Browser extensions or plugins can sometimes conflict with website functionality. Temporarily disable any extensions you have installed and try publishing your Gig again. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Try accessing other websites to verify if the issue is specific to Fiverr or if it affects other sites as well. Contact Fiverr support: If none of the above steps resolve the problem, it's best to reach out to Fiverr's customer support directly. They can investigate the issue further and provide you with specific assistance.
  11. After completing the requirements to become a top-rated seller, w hat are the recommended actions to take in order to obtain the prestigious badge?
  12. What a thought-provoking article! It's refreshing to see someone emphasize the importance of how sellers respond to lower-star reviews. It's true that nobody's perfect, but how we handle criticism and learn from it truly reflects our character. This article reminds us that being professional, understanding, and proactive in addressing feedback can make all the difference in a competitive marketplace. Kudos to the author for shedding light on the qualities that separate true professionals from mere pretenders. Great read! Thank you.💕
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