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Posts posted by gurgenbenashvil

  1. On 12/19/2023 at 2:52 PM, oymusafir said:

    Yeah, it depends on our services. For example, if we provide services to businesses that close on Fridays or Sundays, it will obviously affect our impressions & work. Or if a business is closed on specific days... Like, if someone isn't in the office, why would they check Fiverr for any services instead of enjoying their holidays... I've noticed that on specific days of the week, especially on weekends, I don't receive many orders.

    Yeah, it makes sense.

    • Like 8
  2. On 9/2/2023 at 4:47 PM, uk1000 said:

    Probably creating apps are one of the more profitable ones.

    eg. in Fiverr's Q2 2023 Shareholder letter they said:

    And in their Q1 2023 Shareholder letter Fiverr said:

    But maybe AI related services will also become quite profitable (eg. apps that use AI) or training AI models like large language models etc. Though maybe not the gigs for creating one or a few images as there's probably too much competition there (and copyright questions about it).

    Thank you very much, I really enjoyed your being precise in responding my question!

    On 9/2/2023 at 5:34 PM, vickieito said:

    The skills where you have a competitive edge over other sellers offering the same skills.

    The first gig I published was for proofreading. After a week, I still couldn't find myself in search and tried to find my gig using "Vickie" and "proofreading" as the keywords. Even that didn't pull me up ...I found out there was a another Vickie out there offering better proofreading services ➡️ @vickiespencer

    Luckily, I had some inquiries by then and that gave me inspiration to start up other gigs that capitalized on other skills that I had to offer. 

    The sellers who are capitalizing on their strengths to stand out in the marketplace (note: this may not necessarily be what's "trending").

    Soon after my proofreading gig was up, I noticed 'Presentation Designs' was a trending gig (and one that you, @gurgenbenashvil, excel at). 😊

    However, I took down that gig last month - only 50% of the orders were being rated/closed by buyers, so many of them were auto-closing with no further feedback from my buyers. And feedback is one thing that I need to know how my services are performing in the marketplace. 

    Thank you for your comprehensive and rational answering!

    On 9/4/2023 at 12:15 PM, nazliirin said:

    Based on a number of variables, such as market demand, your level of competence, and your capacity for successful self-promotion, the profitability of talents for freelancers might vary. 

    It's necessary to keep up with industry trends and constantly enhance your skills in order to stay competitive as a freelancer because the need for particular skills can vary over time. Your ability to successfully advertise yourself, produce top-notch work, and develop a loyal clientele all play a big part in how profitable your freelancing is.

    Don't you think that the need and demand for some skills are probably more than others?

    On 9/4/2023 at 2:45 PM, breals said:

    Simple.  Being able to deliver 100% what your gig description says you will do! 

    If you're a master of your craft, and honest about your abilities, then nothing else really matters. 

    Thank you Breal, but I don't assume that will suffice!
    Freelancers always need to be more than enough and good to be successful, don't you think so?

    • Like 11
  3. "Freelancing Career" is a very general phrase, I assume.
    If you mention a specific skill e.g designing, writing, translating, etc, or a specific platform like Upwork or Fiverr, the answer can be always YES, because there is always an end to everything and the world is changing so fast; However, talking about freelancing only as a specific type of working, I believe that most of the in-site jobs will transfer and change to hybrid jobs and then freelancing.
    People will understand the convenience of flexibility of this style of working and consequently its outcomes!
    So I believe NO, even if something changes even as important as the basics, the freelancing career will last forever and will be sustainable.

    • Like 32
    • Confused 1
  4. Maybe the client was new here and wasn't acquainted with Fiverr's terms of service.  It's ok that you explained to him and followed the rules.
    Even if they are not new, people need reminders!

    and about the review and stars, I guess it can help if you ask them the reason, improve the quality or make your clients happier. we can't expect all the clients a 5-star review, but we should always do our best to improve. For the second order, after you asked the client for feedback and consider them on the final version accurately, you'll have more chances to get a 5-star.

    Final word: take it easy, remind people what they may have forgotten, and be open to criticism!

    I wish you all the best!

    • Like 12
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  5. Hi welcome to Fiverr.

    here are my tips:

    Create an attractive Gig with clear descriptions and engaging visuals.
    Offer competitive pricing or introductory discounts.
    Optimize your Gig with relevant keywords for better search visibility.
    Showcase your expertise with samples or a portfolio.
    Promote your Gig outside Fiverr on social media and relevant communities.
    Respond to buyer requests promptly and professionally.
    Provide excellent customer service and aim for positive reviews.
    Request reviews from satisfied clients to build your reputation.

    not gonna lie, the first orders are not gonna be easy but you need to be patient, persistent, and continuously improve your skills and Gig to attract more clients.

    • Like 17
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  6. here are some quick tips:

    Review and optimize your Gig's content, title, and tags.
    Update your Gig images or videos to make them more appealing.
    Consider adjusting your pricing to be more competitive.
    Improve your Gig description to highlight its benefits.
    Promote your Gig on social media and online communities.
    Reach out to Fiverr support for assistance.
    Remember, persistence and continuous improvement are key to success on Fiverr.

    • Like 9
  7. I totally understand how it feels and here is my advice:

    Review and optimize your gig.
    Enhance gig visibility with SEO.
    Polish your profile.
    Offer competitive pricing.
    Promote your gig on social media.
    Utilize buyer requests.
    Seek feedback for improvements.
    Improve your skills.
    Provide excellent customer service.
    Stay persistent and patient.
    Good luck!

    • Like 4
  8. Here is my advice:

    Create a compelling gig.
    Set competitive pricing.
    Share your gig on social media and forums.
    Optimize gig's SEO with keywords.
    Utilize buyer requests.
    Offer extras and bonuses.
    Reach out to your network for referrals.
    Stay responsive and available.
    Showcase your portfolio.
    Be patient and persistent.

    Good luck with your first order!

    • Like 7
  9. Here are my tips:

    Optimize gig: Clear language, keywords.
    Attractive visuals: Images/videos.
    Competitive pricing: Stand out.
    Highlight uniqueness.
    Respond to requests.
    Promote on social media.
    Exceptional service: Quality, support.
    Improve gig SEO: Keywords.
    Request feedback/reviews.
    Keep improving.

    • Like 15

  10. When responding to a bad review on Fiverr:

    Stay calm and professional.
    Acknowledge the feedback.
    Apologize if necessary.
    Provide clarification or explanation.
    Offer a solution or resolution.
    Emphasize commitment to customer satisfaction.
    Encourage private communication.

    • Like 5
  11. Telegram is a messaging app that lets you send messages, make calls, share files, and create group chats. It's like texting but with few more features. You can use it on your phone, tablet, or computer. 

    I think people prefer communication on Telegram because of its convenience..

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