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  1. My success score recently dropped from 8 to 6 also. Here are some thoughts I've had around some of the new ratings. Effective Communication If a Buyer is "ineffective" themselves at communication, I can see them viewing a conversation with a capable Seller as "ineffective". I don't see how Fiverr can accurately & objectively rate a buyers 'communication'. For example, someone with poor communication skills could see Seller A being poor at communicating, but a buyer with better communication skills themselves could see Seller B as more than capable. It's purely subjective. The lack of transparency in terms of examples of these "bad behaviours" isn't great. At the very least, we should be able to see objective examples of any "poor performance" in order to rectify it, rather than Fiverr hiding behind blog posts & "tips on how to improve", when we are seeing no hard evidence of such behaviour. If we were able to see these examples, we could quickly see that it is likely either a misunderstanding or an unhappy client with another agenda. Client Satisfaction What if a client is "unsatisfied" because they failed to clearly communicate their needs to me, & are therefore unhappy with the order. 1. The client fails to clearly communicate their requirement to me. 2. I deliver the order as described by the client. 3. As the client didn't describe the requirement clearly, they are 'unsatisfied' with the order. In this example, I can easily see where a buyer would leave a negative review for the order. However, in this situation it is not an issue with the order. Instead, that is a communication issue on the clients side, not the buyers. Usually, before working on an order, I list out the items that will be delivered to avoid any confusion & removing any chance of the client being unsatisfied. This helps as we can both easily see by looking at this list if what we have agreed has been delivered or not. Similar to my first point, if I could see examples of where I have left clients "unsatisfied", I would easily be able to point back to the list that I agreed with the client & clearly show that I fully met their requirements. Instead, Fiverr hide behind these "tips". I know friends who have left Fiverr for Upwork recently because of this change, & at this rate I can see myself & others following them.
  2. Hi, I opened a dispute with an order 4 days ago with the Fiverr support team. I received no communication from Support since opening this ticket. I looked again today and saw the ticket was marked as Solved despite not hearing anything from Support. I have never had this issue with Support before, I'm not sure what has changed, but the order is due today and is going to negatively affect my ratings unjustly. This is a very worrying sign as a Seller on the platform
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