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Everything posted by sholaabodunde32

  1. Im to be in level 2 in Abit but all of a sudden I was told I linked a banned account to my current account Funny enough I didn't this is pathetic with all the hard work to ensure I get good ranking and level in time now this, well I'll be here watching While I try other freelance platform
  2. Hi I got flagged and ever since I've not been receiving messages, even when I get clicks it doesn't increase my impression I want to know if Fiverr isn't showing our gigs on fiver search anymore cuz it's obviously the sad truth
  3. Am facing same issues and my impression has dropped tremendously. Fiverr isn't doing sellers right for taking such decision I also want to know if we have been taking off the search cuz I don't get messages anymore
  4. As a new seller Fiverr you have 3 things to put in mind Firstly do you get impressions and clocks if not check your title, tags and description If all if fine The as a new seller you have to get your first buyer from outside Fiverr there are lots of ways to do that you can check on YouTube for that
  5. Do I need to make 21 dollars as a new seller before I can place my first withdrawal???? Please I need answers on This.
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