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  1. the same has happened to me i have tried to edit the gig but same result and CAN ANYONE ALSO EXPLAIN IF THE PROMOTED GIG option an impact on the gig algorithm? because if i close the promoted gig option the impressions go down the hill
  2. Has the PROMOTED GIG option an impact on the gig algorithm?
  3. So i have been using the promoted gig option but i am noticing that if i close the option my gig impressions go down the hill and i am a bit confused about it
  4. i have the same problem Response rate 100% Rating 4.9
  5. Can anyone explain GIG SCORE how it works and how to improve it?
  6. if you do so it means that you are asking the client to work outside Fiverr and that is clearly voliation so your account will be banned.
  7. if your gig is new give it some time to catch up with the algorithm and if it has been quite some time than you need to go and look where your gig has short comings 1. check your keywords 2. complete all the sub catogaries 3. check your pricing and come up with a competing pricing 4. create a clean and easy to understand discription 5. create a clean and easy to understand gig image.
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