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Everything posted by msbrand1

  1. I got 2 time same notification from Fiverr. Update the pricing factors for your Gig to increase clarity and sales. We’ve updated the pricing factors available for your Gig, which means we’ve added new options and have removed others. We suggest you evaluate the pricing factors in your Gig and ensure they’re accurate and up-to-date. Doing so will make your Gig clearer for potential buyers. I got 2 time same notification from Fiverr. Since it is not mentioned here the lowest price. So how much the price I can keep my package? I want it to be clear. I provide SEO services. My packages are now $30, $60, $100. Also I Didn't to edit may basic package. I add 2 screenshot, 1 fiverr notifications and 1 my gig package Waiting for suggestions Thank you Shihab
  2. I got notifications today from fiverr Update the pricing factors for your Gig to increase clarity and sales. We’ve updated the pricing factors available for your Gig, which means we’ve added new options and have removed others. We suggest you evaluate the pricing factors in your Gig and ensure they’re accurate and up-to-date. Doing so will make your Gig clearer for potential buyers. Asking to update the price here. Since it is not mentioned here the lowest price. So how much the priice I can keep my package? I provide SEO services. My packages are now $30, $60, $100. Waiting for your suggestions Thank you Shihab
  3. It is not a profile photo change bro. I want to change my Gig which I promoted before
  4. Now I want to change my previously promoted Gig. and I want to promote a New gig. Is It possible?
  5. I get order sometime. Also my gig impressions and click better but fiverr told me your gig is unqualified. What a judgment it is brother?
  6. Why did you choose a career in graphic design?
  7. My 11 best Graphic Design tips for you- 01. Learn to Trust Your Artistic Instincts 2. Limit your typefaces. 03. Use a small color scheme. 04. Keep your designs simple. 05. Create order with alignment. 06. Create a design with design principal 07. Respect the space of other elements. 08. Create Clean, crisp, and clear imagery. 09. Use the same design elements on every page. 10. Read Some Good Design Books 11. Have a Better Designer Pick Apart Your Best Design Thanks for reading buddy. Shihab
  8. When I promote my gig then sometimes my gig is qualified and sometimes unqualified But why? Is there any solution? Does anyone know? If know then tells me thanks!
  9. Actually I mean what do you think challenges
  10. What do you think most challenges in graphic design?
  11. Hello! Experience seller. Do you know how can I promote my gig on Fiverr forum??? I think every new seller is interested in this. so shear us.Thank you😊
  12. I've lost my gig rank. How can I bring my gig's rank back? Please help me. Thank you!
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