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  1. Best Practices for New Fiverr Sellers: Tips



    Connecting with your customers will help you stay on top when it comes to being the best of the best at Fiverr.

    Here are some tips on how to best connect with your customers on Fiverr: 

    Rapid replies win over customers: Being responsive to customers creates a positive experience for your customers and helps you build a strong reputation on Fiverr. Take this a step further by providing thorough and informative updates to your customers throughout the entire process. Keep in mind that responding promptly increases your opportunity to receive future business. Use the Fiverr app to respond to your messages anytime and from anywhere. 
    Use the Quick Response feature: Use pre-written templates or create your own right above the message area in an inbox to help you reply faster - even when you're busy. 
    Keep customers updated throughout the process: Let your customers know that you are there for them and have everything you need from them in order to get started after they have placed their order requirements. Follow up on any questions or concerns they may have to give them the confidence they need. 
    Structure your work process and create clarity: Let customers know beforehand when they should expect to receive drafts, the final delivery, and any feedback. 
    Deliver quality work: Make sure that the delivery fulfills your customers' requirements and is of a high standard. Follow up with your customers to ensure that they are satisfied with the service they received. 
    Deliver on time: Give your customers the best experience possible. A timeous delivery is extremely important for your progress and success as a Seller on Fiverr. Do you need more time to deliver your work? Be proactive and let your customer know ahead of time and request a delivery due-date extension in the Resolution Center.
    Don't just meet your customer's expectations...exceed them! 



  2. Yes I am totally agree with you. I saw some people power on their laptop or pc 24 hours. Is it good or any help with this?
  3. kalam_patawory


    any experienced seller please share some tips. We all new sellers want to know.
  4. Hi websitetunes Share your gig on social media Research is the Clue. ... Think Out of the Box. ... Importance of having a Healthy Profile. ... Make a proper Keyword Research. ... Use Keyword-enriched Title. ... Add an optimized Gig Video. ... Use High-Quality Images. ... More Info : https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010451297-How-to-Start-Selling-on-Fiverr Thank You
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